Friday, April 1, 2011

Photo Gallery Sam Manekshaw - Part II

Photo Gallery Sam Manekshaw - Part II
In ever loving Memory of
Field Marshall SHFJ Manekshaw
 on his Birth Anniversary - 3 April 2011

As A Field Marshall (Five Star General)

As a Cadet in IMA

As a Sportsman in IMA (With Tennis Racket)

A Loving Family Man

                              With Wife Silloo

With Family

                                                                         With Daughter

With his Pet Dog
The Media and Sam
Click to enlarge

Some Memorable Photographs of
Sam's Chequered Career


Sam Manekshaw - Various Moods

The inevitable

APJ Abdul Kalam and Sam

The last Journey

    Final Good Bye
   to His beloved Soldiers

Sam Bahadur's Statue in Pune
Immortal Sam to live on in Indians' Memories

Long Live Sam Bahadur
The Greatest Indian Soldier


  1. Dear Lolitji,

    You are a true patriot and real soldier of Bharatmata. It is great to put those great photos of the great soldier in the blog.

    With best wishes,

  2. Today the twelfth day of September 2011 I am very happy and felt so much of proud to see this web page of the great warrior Field Marshal Manekshaw sahab. I heartily praying the Almighty for peace of his departed soul in the heaven.
    JC-260656H Subedar Major(Retd) VV Ramana

  3. i will be like you day me too rewrded by my national flage as my shroud.jai hind.

    1. Dear Ravi,

      My respects to your resolve. DO well and be safe.
      I am a retired soldier.

  4. Great Photographs of a true Indian and a great warrior. I wish if he become a dictator of India it would be nice thing.

  5. Palwinder Singh Sandhu10 December, 2012 15:31

    Dear Lolit
    Really wonderful effort to show us great photos of great soldier who has made the history by snatching East pakistan from West Pakistan and creating Bangla Desh. This has reduced power of Pakistan nearly to half. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to tackle Pakistan in the present scenario when Pakistan has acquired nuclear capability and on the other side China is showing us its teeth. Long live Manek Shaw the real son of Bharat Mata. We can not forget the role you have played.

  6. Thnx for upload a real hero true Indian and a great warrior patriot. we miss u saab.

  7. Great and very nostalgic,
    As a youngster I was told abt him, and he came to our school at DSSC Wellington i 1963.I have followed his rise ever since. Sad he wasn't given a Bharat Ratna. He still can be and there should be a move towards this.

  8. Thank you for the rare and awesome photos about the Field Marshal, it is not very usual to have a glimpse of such rare insight about the greatest soldier of India and the close insight shared by "Kennedy". Thank you again and again.

    I was fortunate to meet Sam Bahadur in person and shake hands with him in two memorable ocassion, one in 1971 just before the war when he visited Jaurian, HQ of 191 Brigade, I as a young 2nd Lieut of 5 Assam Regiment was witness to his "Before the Battle talk" to the officrs of the Division. His right foot was in plaster and he was walking straight with thehelp of a stick. He told us, "Gentlemen, wwe are definitely going in, but I wont tell you when because you buggers will go home and tell your wives", we all laughed. The second ocassion was in Nov 1982 during our DSSC convocation day, the field Marshal had come as the Chief Guest to give away the parchment of Post Graduate Degree. When my name was called out, "Capt MK Gahatraj" and marched up to him at the dais and saluted him, he gave a VERY FIRM HANDSHAKE TO ME, presented the parchment in to my hands, patted me and said softly, Well DONE KANCHA,I was pleasantly. Shocked.Shocked, because I carry a very rare Gurkha surname, GAHATRAJ and many people do not understand it to be a Gurkha surname, but he knew as such addressed me as "KANCHA", meaning "youngest brother". Thank you Sir and my salute to you. RIP Field Marshal SHFJ Manekshaw may God be with you.

  9. Thank you!!!

    A truly inspirational leader. I am amazed at what that the Field Marshal did for the country without sacrificing his family. From every testimony I read and every picture loaded thee is not a single instance of negativity in this man. A morally strong and wise individual. We need people like him to lead India and the world today.

  10. You are a true patriot and real soldier of Bharatmata. It is great to put those great photos of the great soldier in the blog..I am very happy and felt so much of proud to see this web page of the great warrior Field Marshal Manekshaw sahab. I heartily praying the Almighty for peace of his departed soul in the heaven. You are the real inspiration to Indian Army. (Hony Capt/Retd-Ratan Kumar Sarkar.
