Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ex-servicemen take up One rank one pension Issue with Antony

Tribune News Service

A delegation of retired Army officers, led by Congress MP Partap Singh Bajwa, called upon Defence Minister AK Antony and, besides various issues, discussed the implementation of one rank one pension (OROP) scheme with him.
While pointing out that even the Parliament's Standing Committee on Defence had validated the OROP, the delegation sought Antony's intervention for its early implementation.
Bajwa said the Armed Forces Tribunal, in the cases of Babu Ram Dhiman versus Union of India and Sohan Singh versus Union of India, had held that the grant of unequal pay in the same rank was a violation of the principles of equality enshrined in the Article 14 of the Constitution. The Tribunal ruled that the state could not lay down different criteria for grant of pension for the same rank of officers on the basis of cut-off date of retirement.
Stressing upon the need to do justice to ex-servicemen without comparing them with their civilian counterparts as the two were not comparable, be it in terms of service conditions or the risk that they face, Bajwa urged Antony to de-link the civilian pay from that of the personnel of the armed forces.
The ex-servicemen also sought establishment of a National Commission for Military Veteran Affairs on the lines of the Minority Commission as well as nomination of military veterans to the Rajya Sabha, treating widows at par with other military pensioners for the purpose of enhancement of pension and related issues, increasing quota for youth in armed forces from border districts, particularly in Punjab, ensuring equitable representation of ex-servicemen in all Central boards, corporations and PSU's and using the skills of ex-servicemen in training and raising battalions of national disaster relief and environment protection forces were other issues raised by the delegation.


  1. Sir, It is observed that OROP has been implemented for personnel who took discharge from service after completion 0f 29 years but it is not followed in case of those personnel who took discharge after 20 years whereas the condtion of 29 years of service has been removed for all who served 20 years . Such personnel also should get the same formulae to reach the improved pattern of pension. Example : Maximum basic after 29 years of service for JWO of X group 8290x1.86=15420 + grade pay 4200+2000 MSP+ 1400 Group Pay=23020 50% of it Rs 11510/ same shown in table revised in Jul 2009 WO of X group 9790x1.86=18210+ 4600G.P +2000MSP +1400 =221010 50% of it Rs 13105but in case of 21 years JWO of X group must be 3266*2=6532*1.86=12150+4200 GP +2000MSP+1400 GP=Rs 19750 50% of it is Rs 9875 but in improved pattern shown 9069. It is not understood.

  2. It is not understood that why calculate 3266 into 2 and then into 1.86 ? OROP is not given to PBORs in the ranks of SGT and JWO tilldate.

  3. From : Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar
    Dudi Bhawan Jawaharnagar, Rly Stn ke samne,
    Village & Post Office - Mandi Adampur
    District- Hisar (Haryana)-125052
    E-mail :
    Mobile No – 09871081782

    Respected Sir,

    1. I, No 2879637W Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar have served in the Indian Army (in The Rajputana Rifles) for 24 years & 02 days in 'Y' Groupwith an Exemplary Character (w.e.f.. 30/10/1982 to 31/10/2006) and retired on 31 October 2006 (A/N).

    2. The following service & pension particulars is submitted herewith for your perusal and necessary favourable action please :-

    a. My last basic pay was Rs 4700/-, DP Rs 2400/-, Classification Pay was Rs 100/-.
    b. Total leave encashment period was - 120 days.
    c. Basic pension fixed on 01/11/2006 was Rs 3529/-.
    d. New pension has fixed Rs 7750/-.
    e. Total Gratuity has received Rs 170208/- till date.
    f. Total capitalise value has received Rs 530158/- till date (@ 50 % commuted portion of pension).
    g. Total leave encashment was received Rs 36780/- till date.
    h. Records - RAJ RIF, DELHI CANTT - 110010.
    j. Original PPO No - S/029763/2006(ARMY) issued on 30/06/2006.
    k. Corrigendum PPOs issued to me till date is as under -
    aa. S/COR/032767/2006(ARMY) dated 21/11/2006.
    ab. S/CORR/023552/2007(ARMY) dated 25/05/2007.
    ac. S/CORR/161493/2009(ARMY) dated 31/07/2009.
    ad. S/CORR/225039/2010(ARMY) dated 02/04/2010.
    ae. S/CORR/039335/2010(ARMY) dated 19/10/2010.
    af. Bank details – Punjab National Bank, Mandi Adampur, District - Hisar (Haryana) - 125052. A/C No - 2994001301104170 code No – 2994.

    3. Please provide the following details which has effected for me and also clarify regarding entitlement for Honorary Naib Subedar as per 6th Central Pay Commission Award :-

    a. Last basic pay should be as per 6th CPC Award.
    b. Arrears should be of pay & allowances w.e.f.. 01/01/2006 to 31/10/2006 as per 6th CPC Award.
    c. Arrears should be of leave encashment for 120 days as per 6th CPC Award.
    d. Basic pension should be fixed on 01/11/2006 as per 6th CPC Award.
    e. Arrears should be of pension w.e.f. 01/11/06 to till date as per 6th CPC Award.
    f. Gratuity should be as per 6th CPC Award.
    g. Commutation value as per 6th CPC Award (@ 50 % commuted of portion of pension).

    4. In view of the above, please do the needful and provide all the above require details at the earliest. I shall be highly oblige. Your anticipation is highly appreciated. Thanking you sir.
    Yours faithfully,
    Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar Dudi

  4. The pension for officers pre 1-6-2006 of had been calculated with formula of (Basic pay 5th Pay Panel x 1.86+ Grade payy+mil Service Pay) divided by Two. But this formula is not implemented for Hony per Above formula Hony Capt should get 10800x1.86+6000+6000= Rs32088/ and pension will be Rs16044/ whre he is getting 13800. Similarly for Hony Lt will get Rs 15465?- as per formula but getting 13500 only. Why hony officer are discriminated.even though the AFT Chandigarh had given verdict in favviour of Hony officer

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  6. Respected Sir,

    Very Deep regards

    I am ex Sub Maj/Hony Lt Rajinder Kumar(Ex Bengal Sappers). I was granted Hy Lt rank after retirement. May I request you that Hony rank of Lt granted after retirement may also be considered under OROP like Hony Nb Sub is granted financial benefits. No monetary benefit is accorded , who gets Hony Lt rank from Sub Maj after retirement, only CSD facilities are extended of Lt, which has got no value until finanacial benefits is accorded.

    I am also associated with the ex service man team. At present I am away on tourist visa to Austrailia with my son. I have read your great efforts as well as DO letter to PM and other dignities due to which the work of OROP is in progress.

    May I request you to be kind enough to confirm me weather above point of Hy Lt after retirement is being considered or otherwise. I am very anxious and humble request you to please confirm. My mail address

    Pl accept my warm regards

    1. Sir
      I am an ex serviceman Hony Lt(afgter retitrement and now retired and have written the above request for clarification under OROP for pensionery benenfit. Sorry I am not so perfect in the internet, hence please do not mind. Request reply please as I am very anxiously waiting.

      My mail address is

  7. Respected Sir,

    iam retired soldier of indian army of age 65, from VIJAYAWADA(ANDHRA PRADESH), how can sixth pay commision effect on my penssion, what is the meaning of 18.5 percent increment, please tell me and clarify., phone number:9581978019

    Please accept my warm regards

  8. sir,
    I am an ex serviceman from indian naval aviation as pety officer
    (POAOF)retired on june1993.what will be the amount of my pension
    after OROP is enforced.My mobile no is 9954249520

  9. Sir,
    Indeed, it is nice to see this blog with ample information.Please sir, continue with same spirit.

    Thanks and regards.


  10. sir,
    I am an ex serviceman from INDIAN NAVAL LOGISTICS as Petty Officer (SPO) retired on JAN 2003.what will be the amount of my pension
    after OROP is enforced.My mobile no is +971505543213

    1. 5301 is your basic plus 90% DA

  11. Sr
    I am an ex-service man from Indian Air Force retired as CPL (corporal)in the year 1978 after completing 15 years and 4 days. What will be the amount of pension after OROP is enforced. My Mobile No. is 09142019715

  12. Sir i m 817121 ex NC(E)tindal Heman Thakur from indian air force total 38 years 26 days of service. I m retire on 31/05/09.what is my pension after one rank one pay. my E Mail heman_2903@yahoo my contect no is 09621992757 or 08004968725.

  13. Sr
    I am an ex-service man from Indian Army retired as SPL in the year 1970 after completing 7 years. What will be the amount of pension is able to get from the above service. kindly give me the suggestions to proceed. My Mobile No. is 09966427329

  14. I am an ex-serviceman HAV/Nursing Assistant ZIAUR RAHMAN served in ARMY MEDICAL CORPS 24 years and 21 days and retired on 01 July 2009. What will be the amount of my pension after OROP is enforced. My Mobile No. is +917890042978.

  15. Dear Sir,

    I am an ex-Hav/Clk M Shivanna served in the Army 17 years and 18 days(From 05 Sep 1977 to 30 Sep 1994) and retired on 01 Oct 1994. What will be the amount of my pension after OROP is enfored. My E-mail ID and Mobile No is :9448700989

  16. i retired from iaf after completion of 13 yrs of service in the rank of cpl on own request. is pensionable service reduced from 15 yrs to 10 yrs as civil service. where i can get this kind of information kindly advice. my mobile no. 09757230372

    1. you may be eligible for reservist pension.mail me for details -

  17. Revision of Definition of Ex-Servicemen


    1.As per prevailing policy;-. Short Service Commissioned Officers though being NON-Pensioners are treated as Ex-Servicemen as are given GRATUITY

    2. Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army despite having earned gratuity At par with SSCO are denied of Ex-Servicemen status .

    3.As per ARMY pension regulation Part-I 1961;- Gratuity is an kind of pension but officers Honorably released\discharged with Gratuity from TERRITORIAL ARMY are excluded from Ex-servicemen definition without any valued reason thus are deprived of all prevailing beneficial scheme of center & state Govt & virtually NO helpful policy subsist for honorably released Territorial Army Officers being deprived of EXSERVICEMAN status

    5.Officers in the TERRITORIAL ARMY are holding commission, granted by the president of INDIA with designation of Rank corresponding to those of Indian commissioned officers of the regular Army, Granted Gratuity on their honorable retirement\ Discharge\Release after 05 years of aggregate embodied service / or 10 years of commissioned service alike Non pensioner SSCO\ECO

    4.Honorably retired officers of TERRITORIAL ARMY are awarded Gratuity at par with All retirees of Indian Armed forces & constitute one class of Ex serviceman. It is untenable to single out certain persons of the same class for differential treatment

    5. Denial of Ex-Service men status and ensuing benefits has produced a class within a class without rational basis amongst ALL retired commissioned officers. is an open affront to their Reckon able embodied service rendered voluntarily in the national defense this discrimination has ruined the praiseworthy status & self-esteem of all honorable retired Territorial Army officers in INDIAN society are forced to suffer in silence for no reasons\fault on their part

    7. It is therefore, requested to include Honorably released Territorial Army Officers into the preview of Ex-Servicemen, Being Gratuity holders alike SSCO

  18. Respected sir,

    I S.Subramaniam retired on 01/07/1994.My ex-army number is 14325783K.I was in service for 18years and 3months.
    As per 'One man one pension'plan how much pension will i get?

    My contact details:
    Phone number:09444015080

    Where i can get this information?kindly help me.

  19. I ASHOKPAL SINGH RETIRED ON 29/2/1996.My ex army no. is 14343308W. i was in service for 16 years
    As per 'One man one pension'plan how much pension will i get?

    My contact details:
    Phone number:09827389961

    Where i can get this information?kindly help me.

  20. sir i am virendersingh retired on31/o7/2012 my army 15396457f.i service for 16 years so,sir my pension how much will i get; phone no 07891490688

  21. Dear Veteran Shekhawat,

    I suggest you approach the pension cell of IESM who may be able to give you most authentic information. Details of the person to be contacted are : Cdr Ravindra Waman Pathak IN(Retd), Member Governing Body and Pension Cell, 1, Surashri, 1146 Lakaki Road, Shivajinagar, Pune 411016. email id is and Mob No 9822329340

    All the best,

    Col LK Anand Retd

    status to TERRITORIAL ARMY. personnel
    The bullets come out of the Guns of enemies have no discrimination
    between soliders of INDIAN Army or Territorial army when it hit. But
    when the question of granting benefits comes, TA personnel are treated
    as part time soldiers

    The Army is composed o those who have undertaken aa definite liability
    for military service, viz, combatant troops, administrative
    service/departments and enrolled non-combatants-
    The Army Comprises-.
    The Regular Army
    ;The Army Reserve
    The Territorial Army

    authority--Defense service REGULATIONS for the ARMY

    TERRITORIAL ARMY. personnelsi

    Ex-Servicemen Status:-
    As per the definition of Ex-Servicemen, ‘all persons who served in any
    of the Armed Forces of the Union of India at least for a period of
    five years and discharged by way other than dismissal are termed as

    1.TA personnel men are equally capable in performing any kind of duty
    or at times even more flexible than the jawans of any elite wing of
    regular army –i.e. Indian Army or any other army,

    2.the difference lies in the way they are handled at training, during
    their embodiment , the clarity of duty and dedication and expertise
    specially at the Jr. Command level. And It will not be exaggerated to
    say that the TA personnel are really praiseworthy specially keeping

    TERRITORIAL ARMY being integral component of INDAIAN ARMY

    2.should be given status of ARMED FORCES VETERANS EX SERVICEMAN) on
    the expiry of their honorable services for having earned regular
    pay-scales ,Promotion, , and all other service benefits in
    appropriate scale and the benefit of promotion with due regard to
    their length of service.

    3.Their pay scales are exactly in conformity with that of the
    pay-scales of their counterparts in INDIAN ARMY

    4. Soldiers of volunteer citizen army are Entitled to be equally
    treated and all the benefits as were conferred and enjoyed by the
    Indian army soldiers should be extended to them as well.

    A.important to mention --
    Legitimately there exist no difference between Honorably
    released\discharged Territorial Army officers with Gratuity &
    Officers court marshaled, Disgraced \cashiered & Discharged on other
    disciplinary grounds from Indian Armed forces as both are denied of
    Ex-Service men \ armed forces veterans status and ensuing benefits

    B. Officers in the TERRITORIAL ARMY are holding commission, granted by
    the president of INDIA with designation of Rank corresponding to those
    of Indian commissioned officers of the regular Army , Granted Gratuity
    on their honorable retirement\ Discharge\Release after 05 years of
    aggregate embodied service / or 10 years of commissioned service
    alike Non pensioner SSCO\ECO

    TERRITORIAL ARMY are excluded from consideration as
    Ex-servicemen without any valued reason

    E .Honorably retired officers of TERRITORIAL ARMY are awarded
    Gratuity at par with All retirees of Indian Armed forces & constitute
    one class of Ex serviceman.

    It is not LEGAL to single out certain persons of the same class for
    differential treatment. Denial of Ex-Service men status and ensuing
    benefits had produced a class within a class without rational basis
    amongst ALL honorably retired officers.
    J Privilege of retention of Rank on retirement
    ;-TA officers are on retirement are granted the privilege of
    retaining their rank alike all Ex- serviceman subject to;- Either
    having served for 05 years aggregate embodied service in TERRITORIAL
    ARMY or has 15 years commissioned service
    -to provide units for the Regular Army as
    and when required.
    Authority - ARMY ORDER 77/1984

    P. History, composition, administration, organization and Operational
    role of territorial army clearly depicts that T.A . is an integral
    part of the Armed Forces and the Members of TA legitimately are the
    members of the Armed Forces within the meaning of Article 33


    This matter pertains to a Defence Family & we solicit your kind cooperation in bringing this news before the press / media, so that it reaches the common man. Corruption in India is at its peak. Amardeep, an employee of Legal Department of M/s. LANCO, Gurgaon & others cheated, Cantonment Board, by providing fake details, regarding Late Kamla Kumari’s death, & not submitting Death Certificate issued by SGPIMS, Lucknow to them. Cantt. Board, Allahabad issued to Amardeep Jaiswal & others a fake Death Certificate, without probing the truth, & closed their eyes deliberately, for pecuniary benefits. In the Death Certificate they should have stated the place of death as Lucknow & not Allahabad & the truth is that she was in a highly precarious state & was in coma since a few days & died on 3/2/96, at 1.30 pm at the SGPGIMS, Lucknow, as per its Death Certificate re-issued on 30/06/2000. Forged Death Certificate issued by Cantt. Board, Allahabad, is being misused for fraudulent land deals, for substitution of names in place of late K.K. Jaiswal, for transfer of lease renewal deed & mutation, for 2 & 3, Cassels Road, New Cantt., Allahabad & must be cancelled at once. Action should be taken against them for cheating Cantt. Board. Thereafter they started grabbing Army Land illegally & for these irregularities, Cantt. Board / D.E.O., Allahabad are fully responsible.

    My Residential Address : Sincerely Yours,

    Asha Rani Jaiswal, 2-B, Cassels Road, Shambhoo Estate, New Cantt., Near Kapoor Ka _________________________
    Haatha & House of Peter D’Souza, Allahabad – 211001, Cell No. : 09335401055, 09757113490 (A.R. Jaiswal)

    Enclosures : As above & Annexure – 5 & 6 additionally. Date : ________________

    My Postal Address : A.R. Jaiswal, C/o, Rishi Raj Arora, Preeti Trade Link (P) Ltd., DSS 45 & 46, Marble Market, Sector – 21C, Faridabad – 121001.

  24. Dear sir..
    what will be the pension of my father (hony capt) after OROP.
    My mail id is

  25. Sir
    Iam an ex-serviceman from Indian army(ASC) retired as 2011 after completing 17 years 1day what will be the amount of pension after OROP is enforced my cell no:8760254017

  26. Sir I am P.ADINARAYANA No14269531 H From Corps Of Signals Retired 18 Years 5 Days completinGg What will be Amount of Pensoin OROP is enforced My Cell NO 9959669060

  27. Dear sir,my father joined army in1963 as artlery 1970 army discharged them on medical ground.his finger was cut down while firing on enemy under gun discharged him without pension& no 1993 they expired.they wrote srveral letters to army but no solution.his army no was 1197592,sarwan my mother is getting only 1000Rs from soldier board as oldage help but no help 09911863451

  28. I was a SS Officer. I was given commission on 23 June 1968. Later I was granted IC number and permanent officer. I left army and took VRS in year 1989 after completing 21 years seven months. I was given pension as Major. Today Bank clerk, who was not born even when I was commissioned, decides my pension and claims he grants it. So many changes had taken place in pension grants. Will some one stand up in authority and give me my exact pension and declare that substantive Majors will be treated Lt. Col. and brought to higher band.

  29. I am ex Sub Vijay Singh Tanwar. I was granted Hony Sub Major rank
    after retirement. May I request you that Hony Sub Major granted
    after retirement may also be considered for financial benefits as
    well as pension benefits. No monetary benefit is accorded, who
    gets Hony Sub Major after retirement, only CSD facilities are
    extended, which has got no value until finanacial benefits is

    May I request you to be kind enough to confirm me weather above
    point of Hony Sub Major after retirement is being considered or
    otherwise.I am very anxious and humble request you to please
    Contact No: 09829325033

  30. Respected Sir/Madam,

    Amended fresh request for necessary amendment in OROP table for justice with Honorary Naib Subedar of Y Group is forwarded. This is for your information and further necessary favourable action please .

    With reference the table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016.

    I 2879637W Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar have served in Army 24 Years & 02 days. My service particular's is as under -

    Date of enrolment - 30 October 1982.

    Date of retirement - 31 October 2006 (A/N).

    Date of birth - 25 April 1962.

    PPO No - S/29763/2006 (ARMY)

    Basic Pension as per 6 CPC - Rs 7750/-

    Revised Basic Pension on acceptance of OROP - Rs 8425/-

    It is observed that pension of X group Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar of 24 years service is equal i.e. Rs 11138/- as per table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016. But basic pension of Y group Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar of 24 years service is different. 24 years service of Naib Subedar basic pension is more than Honorary Naib Subedar of 24 years service & this diffrence between Honorary Naib Subedar& Naib Subedar of 24 years service is Rs 1004. In this circular in table No 7 Y group Honorary Naib Subedar basic pension is Rs 8425 & 24 years service of Naib Subedar basic pension is Rs 9424. It should be equal as OROP as implemented for X group 24 years service of Honorary Naib Subedar & 24 years service of Naib Subedar basic pension are equal.

    Hony Rank of Naib Subedar granted to Havildar will be notionally considered as a promotion to the higher grade pay and will be allowed notionally for the purpose of fixation of pension only with effect 01 January 2006. The said decision has been communicated vide Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(8)/2008-D(Pay/Policy) dated 12 June 2009.

    On the definition of OROP (Definition of One Rank One Pension - One Rank One Pension (OROP) implies that uniform pension be paid to the Armed Forces Personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service irrespective of their date of retirement and any future enhancement in the rates of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners. This implies bridging the gap between the rate of pension of the current pensioners and the past pensioners, and also future enhancements in the rate of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners.) and government of India Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(8)/2008-D(Pay/Policy) dated 12 June 2009 pension of Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar should be equal in the same length of service.

    Keeping view of the above and as mentioned table No 7 of circular No 555 dated 04 February 2016 for 24 years service of X group Naib Subedar & Honorary Naib Subedar basic pension has fixed at same rate or equal, so Y group 24 service of Honorary Naib Subedar & Naib Subedar basic pension should also be fixed at same rate or equal. Please consider it.

    Please do the needful for necessary amendment or issue related instructions for rectify the observations or veriable. An early action is requested.

    I shall be highly obliged.

    Thanking you with warm regards,

    Yours obediently soldier,

    Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar
    PPO No - S/29763/2006 (ARMY)
    Mobile No 09871081782
