Monday, March 28, 2011

Election in Tamilnadu- Letter to the Editor Deccan Chronicle

To: "Deccan C"
The Editor, Deccan Chronicle, Chennai
The voters of Tamilnadu have been offered a number of 'Freebies' by both the Dravidian Parties. Not to be out done, the BJP has also offered some sops. But, no body talks of the development schemes proposed to elevate the people from below the poverty line.
What are the realities in Tamilnadu. The basic responsibilities of providing Education, Health & Medical facilities to the citizens by the Government, are in the hands of Private Sector. The distribution & sale of liquor, which should be in Private Sector is taken over by the Government.
As per the present official estimate, the loan burden of Tamilnadu is likely to cross Rs one lakh crores. Does any political party have any right to pledge the interest of our future generation to survive the battle of ballots ? Every father would try to die solvent, even if he could not bequeath any asset to his own children. Are we to be a party to this large scale crime?
Our Political system has been tampered to such an extent that the voters are left with only the Hobson's Choice. Even boycotting the polls or exercising the option of negative voting will provide no solution.
We must call for a fresh Constitution to at least revise our Electoral Process. Even the Electoral Reforms suggested by a few will not work. Only fresh Election Laws may save the situation.
Col (Retd) TN Raman

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