Monday, April 4, 2011


The only way to happiness is to look within you.
Here are a few tools
that may help you find your way.
Be easily amused. People who laugh and smile
are happier and usually live longer -
than people who lack a sense of humour.
Don't dwell on the negative. If there's something wrong,
accept it and move through it.
Ruminating about how bad life is won't help,
and can lead to depression.
If you can't stop the thoughts, consult a professional.
Trust that your life has meaning.
If it doesn't, or you can't find any at the moment,
act as if you have it, until you stumble
on what really floats your boat.
Do something nice for yourself.
It doesn't have to cost money or be a big deal.
Sometimes just watching the sunset
and letting the world go by can be very healing for the soul.
Always have something with you to read.
This way, you'll never be bored or waste time.
When you read, you are both relaxing and learning.
Do something for someone, without expecting anything in return.
Help an old lady get her shopping bags into the car.
Help someone stuck for parking space.
These may seem like insignificant little things,
but think how you would feel if someone were
similarly helpful to you or someone you love.
Eat something you love to eat, at least once a week.
Depravation is depressing.
Even if it means you have to spend an extra 20 minutes
on the treadmill, eat that chocolate cake,
if it can be the reason for your bliss.
Get outside and appreciate your environment.
Sunlight and fresh air are now being touted
as ways to prevent certain types of cancer.
The healthiest thing you can do for yourself,
emotionally and physically, is to simply take a walk.
Giving love and understanding is the first step in receiving it.
This is one of the oldest and wisest pieces of truth on earth.
Giving away what you want,
is a great way to get what you really need.
Always have a goal.
Happiness comes from moving towards what you want,
not from going away from it.
Any time you achieve a dream,
you need to replace it.
Make sure you always have something to look forward to.
Remember that happiness is not constant.
Some people think that if they're not feeling happy,
something is wrong. The real truth is that happiness
is usually found somewhere off the beaten path -
between the fantasy overpass and the reality off-ramp.
Sent by Ved Sachar

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