Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last Wish of India's Brave and Gallant Soldiers

This is the last wish and testament of nearly all
the brave and gallant soldiers of India, who have lived on,
with a life of injustices, hardships and indignities
within the country, having been victims of circumstances
created by indifferent and unconcerned Government of India
Please inscribe my name in the list of martyrs
at India gate,
In the beautiful list of “Unknown Soldiers” of
Indian Army.
Though I have fought in the wars
for my nation thrice,
But enemy did not have the bullet
that could end my life.
Because, I was destined to live & see
the plite of soldiers like me,
getting no care, no respect by powerful people
of my country.
As most of them are busy in filling up
their purses and bellies,
With all the wealth and food that was
due to people like me.
By Col Gopal Purdhani

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