Saturday, April 23, 2011

Open Letter to the Prime Minister by A bold Air Force wife : Rohini Athavale

At the bottom is a response of an angry Air Force wife. Rohini Athavale:
The credibility of the last bastion falls !
May I as a citizen of this country kindly request you to quit for the following reasons :-
1. You are not an elected leader and hence have no right to be the Prime Minister of this country. You have made a backdoor entry....this is not democracy.
2. You lack OLQ(Officer-like-Qualities)...i am not interested in your > personal honesty as Manmohan Singh...I am concerned regarding your integrity and moral courage as the Prime have none.
3. You do not have the guts to take responsibility on behalf of your pass the are a petty manager and not a leader.
4. You are corrupt...corruption is not restricted to making monetary are devoid of innovative ideas to instil checks and balances in your governance, incapable of creating responsibility &accountability through various layers of the hierarchy.
5. You are weak and refuse to acknowledge the mistakes you have made...awareness and acknowledgment are the first steps to change, followed by the desire and political will, the knowledge and ability and reinforce the lack all these.
6. You do not have the courage to take tough are a safe are a cannot take manageable risks.
7. You lack vision....when you say that you are a victim of coalition compulsions and express helplessness with a remark that "every six months we shall have elections, if I act", you behave like a class monitor who indulges in cheap popularity....act and see the result....your party shall come back with a thumping majority.
8. You lack loyalty to the hold your party interests above that of the country....completion of 5-year term is more vital to you rather than governance of the are a custodian of Sonia Gandhi's interests rather than growth of the underprivileged and the poor
9. Blaming others is silly...let us never place the blame on others, but on our own attitudes.....Small-minded people habitually reproach others for their own misfortunes...Average people reproach themselves...Those who are dedicated to a life of wisdom understand that the impulse to blame something or someone is foolishness, that there is nothing to be gained in blaming, whether it be others or oneself.
10. India deserves a young dynamic leader, not a senile, subservient, procrastinating sycophant....kindly do one last favor to this your next cabinet reshuffle, hand in your resignation and things shall fall into place.
Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister !!


  1. hats off to the brave lady..but sadly , the spineless PM is immune to all aspersions and in the process has become a veritable old hag dancing to the tune of madam..

  2. He is CHIKNA GHADA too. Any amount of public anger will just slip off him.

  3. This is the best and the most honest analysis any one can do on Man Mohd Singh. Those call him honest, they are either the most dishonests or total idiots. He is a slave of the lowest order and his only concern is to protect Mafia Maino and Raul Khan Vinci. The interest of the nation means nothing to him.

    This letter really should get a much wider publicity than stays limited to this BLOG.

    Amit Bhadhuri
    Former CISF Officer and IESM member

  4. Dear Lolitji,

    Mrs. Athavale is a star among few stars in Bharat. What she has written about MMS is TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. We are the most unfortunate nation of 1.2 billion poeple who have to put up with such a weak, subservient and slavish PM. Only a corrupt or an idiot would call him honest. He is the centre point of corruptions and sorrounded by corrupts by his own choice. His only interests is to save his PM post and the biggest corrupt person of the country nick named BOFER CHOR.

    Please pass on this message to Mrs. Athavale and publish this in the blog even with editing if really necessary.

    Amit Bhadhuri
    Former CISF Officer and IESM Member
