Sunday, May 8, 2011

Are We Not A Nation of Hypocrites?

To act as what we are not and not to behave as what we are, has become a core characteristic and a speciality for the people of this nation. This fact is becoming apparent as one sees the happenings of day to day. The Kargil operation of 1999 and its aftermath had further highlighted this fact and removed any misgivings which at all existed to the contrary. The media itself had been a big culprit in this regard, as it had highlighted only those facts which smack of sensationalism and publicity of those, who in their heart of hearts really do not mean what they are doing or saying. Their stunts amounted to nothing but hypocrisy. The latest 26/11 was also no exception. The media reporting was more than exaggerated and did not necessarily place true facts before the public.
The National population does not get an opportunity to feel for the brave soldiers, unless operations similar to Kargil or Mumbai on 26/11 happen. The incompetence of police and the civil administration in performance of their own duties, invariably gets highlighted because they constantly fail to act during crunch situations resulting in loss of valuable innocent lives. Eventually it is the Armed Forces who come to their rescue for dealing with such situations. It is very surprising for the politicians, and the civilian population with media being no exception, to have created a very wrong impression that the Indian soldier is meant only to die for the Nation. Let it be very clear to one and all, that no soldier goes to the battlefield with the intention of dying whether for the Nation or anybody else. In fact, he goes for any operation to make the enemy die for his country and bring victory for his own country. No doubt, he goes to the war without the slightest fear of death and if he does sacrifice his life for the Nation, it is just incidental.
There have been times when some ungrateful people including even bureaucrats have remarked that the soldiers are being paid in the peace time to die in the war, or else what do they do in the peace time except to eat government rations. Such demoralising remarks can evidently be attributed to those who do not feel for the soldiers and have no near and dear ones in the Armed Forces. Also, to say that the brave are only those who die in the war is also a misnomer. Every soldier who is supporting the cause of the war from wherever he may be is brave and his effort cannot be belittled.
It is indeed a pity that the hypocrite and ungrateful Nation that we are, have behaved most indifferently in the past twenty eight years especially after the 71 Indo Pak war.We have totally forgotten the sacrifices of those who gave their yesterday for the Nation's and its countrymen's today and tomorrow.Our politicians never realised themselves that the sacrifices and the requirements of the Armed Forces can not be over looked, irrespective of what the neighbouring countries say or do during peace time. Keeping the Armed Forces at their highest pitch is not an option but a necessity knowing fully well that the reliability of Pakistan is aways doubtful. Pakistan has a history of backing out from the agreements and accords and has always been encouraging terrorism first in Punjab and then in Kashmir. Under the circumstances can we rely on Pakistan to act or behave friendly with India and leave our Armed Forces unprepared?
For once I am feeling convinced by the argument extended once by Bal Thackerey of not allowing Pakistan to play on Indian soil, till they show by thought, action and creed that they really want friendly relations with India. For this they must respect the previous accords like Tashkent, Shimla, Lahore and Islamabad by cessation of all types of hostilities against India. There is no need for any hypocrisy by Indians till the Pakistan regime mends its ways.
It is another pity that most of our politicians and even Ministers are not aware of the hierarchy of Armed Forces including their rank structure, leave alone the military, operational, logistical, administrative or even welfare requirements. The politicians never have had time out from their dirty politics and corrupt practices. The bureaucrats are no exceptions in the matter and are more concerned with their own interests rather than of others especially the Armed Forces. Majority of people of the country are not able to differentiate a Colonel from a Captain and identify a soldier from a guard who stands at the gates of VIPs. Even the media hardly has any time from the activities of Sonia Gandhi, Jayalalitha, Laloo Yadav, Mulayam Singh or Mayawati and their likes. Under these circumstances how can anyone think of the sacrifices made by the soldiers for the security and integrity of the Nation? They seemed to have been forgotten them for good.
Another tragedy is that even the ex servicemen have been denied their legitimate rights. Hundreds of innocent retired soldiers who were thinking of leading the twilight years of their life in peace and dignity are today struggling to make their both ends meet. The servicemen that is the Officers and the PBOR, are still struggling for their legitimate, deserving and oft promised OROP ie “One Rank One Pension” by the various successive Governments. A half baked decision on OROP announced by the Finance Minister during the Budget speech of 2009 has not met the ends of justice and has created more controversy than solving the matter fully and finally once and for all. It has really shown the functioning of the Government in a very poor light. Such, a decision could have been taken only at the behest of its biased bureaucracy. Why the entire cabinet has lacked the will and wisdom, to give due justice to its old and infirm ex-servicemen including the officers class, to take a final and positive decision in the matter is really beyond comprehension.
There are so many other facilities which a retired soldier can be provided for his resettlement from his home state. The attitude of the state governments and the concerned officials is totally indifferent and the soldier has either to keep running from pillar to post and be at the mercy of the civilian baboos, till he is fed up and gives up. As for employment of retired ex servicemen, hardly any employer is willing to give any worth while job befitting their abilities. There must be countless instances where the soldier has been denied a peaceful and dignified life, to save him from languishing in his village or home town.
Isn't it a matter of shame for the countrymen, for a near miserable state of the soldier? Even the media has no love lost for the dying soldier in a war or against their fight against terrorism. They rankle only for sensationalism and their own cheap publicity. The soldier irrespective of anything else is always ready to fight for his country at the peril of his life, for the sake of his hypocrite countrymen, so that he could ensure their safety of life. What else is it? Are we really not a Nation of hypocrites to forget the sacrifices of the soldiers immediately on cessation of hostilities at the border. For the soldier however, I am reminded of a couplet :-
"Zindagi milti rahe mar mar ke mujh ko bar bar
Aur mai hota rahun har bar qurbane Vatan. "
Is it not high time now to shed the hypocrisy in which we are embroiled and pledge from the bottom of our hearts, to give the soldier, whether dead or alive, whether serving or retired his due at all times, irrespective of whether he took part in any war or not? He after all has given the best part of his life to the Nation. This is the least expected from the “India of My Dreams”
by Col LK Anand Retd

Article published in Free Press the Indore local Daily on Sunday, 8 May 2011

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  1. A very good article indeed. Any of Our Dhoti-Pyjama-Lungi wearing sloppy, corrupt and nation's wealth looter politicians has rarely been in any uniformed service, therefore, neither they have any idea nor any empathy for the uniform services.
    I wonder if someone could tell me how many of our 542 LOKSHAVA MPs has ever done any Armed forces, Para-military or Police service. I believe it is SHAMEFULLY NIL
    Amit Bhadhuri
    Former CISF Officer

  2. Extremely well written and well thought post...I have always believed in a simple ideology that what you havent done- you would always think its easiest to do and doesnt take much effort. Our dear politician since they spend most of their life sitting comfortably dictating others to do what they should be doing- would never understand what a defence officer or as a matter of fact his/her family goes through every day.I am not too sure of the sentiments of the politicians(I doubt if something like that even exists) who are gracing the high chairs in this country but we common people do appreciate the sacrifices made by the defence forces.

  3. In the art of war by sun Tzu, he teaches a small kingdom the politics of war. The army must know politics of country as did general Caesar to keep its politicians in order.

    Indian army seems stuck in time warp of 1970s. We must know the reason of joining army which I feel is a type cadre or varna. At heart we will excel in what comes naturally.

    You can't place a baniya in military and expect results that a seasoned warrior class will know instinctively.

    Said that, army needs to evolve internally and recognize it's okay to play the game for moral results.

    Can high calibre, intelligent and better bred smart union of extraordinary gentlemen not have the possibility to easily overpower mentally some scamming scams of humans in politics? Its a bit undermining self and not playing hard enough.

    I am from an army family chosen a business life to place my family in a financially strong position. But I know would not want total disconnect with army and want one of my kids to join it back to maintain varna.

    However seen both civil and armed forces life to be fair, army gets more than its due really. To get that life in civil since a kid I need to be a millionaire. Even best babus may get some buck but they dont get a society, lifestyle that army takes for granted, and the opportunity to play its role for the kind of people army has who will not fit into regular civil structure well.

    I wouldn't count army's benefit with pure cash alone. That being important is not the reason at all to join military.
