Monday, May 9, 2011


Dear Lalitji,
Jai Bharat.
In the very interests of your group, Indian people and most importantly Indian nation, I hope that, your good self prints the undermentioned excellent article in the Blog. The article has a multi-dimensional coverings against mega corruptions and threats to our NATIONAL SECURITY, which we the patriots need to note of it and do our best to thwart it with utmost vigour and sincerity. The article is also very much in line with your campaign against corruptions
With best wishes and warm regards,
Vande Mataram
Amit Bhadhuri
former CISF Officer and IESM Member (UK settled)
by Narain Kataria in New York
We are very happy to know that Baba Ramdev is organizing and mobilizing one hundred million people all over India. His aim is to end the menace of corruption in India, punish the guilty and restore dignity to Bharat. He wants to compel Government of India to enact laws to declare 400 lakh crores ($9.04 trillion) stashed in foreign banks to be declared as national wealth.
He believes that if all the money is brought back to India, each district in India will get Rs. 60,000 crores ($13.6 billion) and each village will get Rs. 100 crores ($22.6 million). As a result, 84 crore (840 million) people living in poverty will get quality education and reasonably good living standard. Even though it is said that India is poor, but Indians are rich!
Baba Ramdev, like Hindu Rishis of yore, is striving to revive the Hindu values of self-respect, truthfulness, sacrifice, pride, character, honesty, sincerity of purpose, patriotism, fight against injustice and chivalry –the hallmark of Hindu Dharma Dharma - which have been relegated to the background and forgotten.
To achieve his aim, Baba Ramdev has chosen the birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap Singh (June 4, 2011), the great Hindu warrior king who made unprecedented sacrifices to uphold the dignity and pride of the Hindu Nation. On this sacred day, Baba Ramdev plans to bring one hundred thousand people to New Delhi. These 100,000 volunteers will go on fast to pressurize Government of India to bring back all the monies in foreign banks/countries and punish the guilty. Simultaneously, rallies will be organized in all the Indian states. There is no doubt that this is a prolonged battle.
Corruption is India's bane and threatens to derail its rapidly growing economy and indirectly gives boost to terrorism. The country ranks a dismal 84th in a list of 180 countries, according to Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index, a measure of domestic and public sector corruption.
The plunder of India has been going on unabatedly for the last 63 years. We have paid a very heavy price for our indifference, lethargy and lassitude. We have to come out of that stupor, be proactive and join hands with Baba Ramdev to restore dignity to India.
Baba Ramdev desires to put Bharat Mata on the pedestal of glory and make Bharat the Jagat Guru (world guru) again. If Baba Ramdev succeeds in his mission, India will emerge as a very powerful and perhaps the richest country in the world.
In this connection, we laud the efforts of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President of Janata Party and former Law Minister, Government of India who has submitted a petition (220 pages) to the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh and sought his sanction to prosecute Sonia Gandhi, under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, UPA Chairman have been proclaiming “zero tolerance” towards corruption. John Maclithon covered South Asia for several decades for a leading Australian radio channel. He used to run down Hindu people and their culture. He later expressed his repentance for this, and wrote about Sonia Gandhi as under: “Yet, today I can say without the shadow of a doubt that when history will be written, the period over which Sonia presided, both over the Congress and India, will be seen as an era of darkness, of immense corruption and of a democracy verging towards autocracy, if not disguised dictatorship, in the hands of a single person. Truth will also come out about various scams and cases of corruption under UPA from Bofors to 2G, which is being used to buy votes, as the Wikileaks have just revealed.” (Organiser, My 1, 2011)
On behalf of Indian Americans Intellectual Freedom (IAIF), we appeal to all Indians, whether living in India or abroad to join whole heartedly in this Yagna to support Baba Ramdev to enable him to accomplish his mission successfully.
The author is the President of Indian American Intellectuals Forum and can be contacted at

Narain Kataria in New York

1 comment:

    very good step you have taken for the awawreness.

    thank you very much.


    Please give miss call to support this SATYAGRAH: 022 33081122

    After completing 1 lakh kms of Bharat Swabhiman Yatra, Baba Ramdev is all set to launch the Bhrashtachar Mitao Satyagraha (Satyagraha Against Corruption) from 4th June in Delhi.
    After meeting crores of people at shivirs in various villages, districts, cities and towns of our country Baba Ramdev will mobilize the masses through the Bhrashtachar Mito Satyagrah where 1 lakh+ people will be fasting until death.
    The main agenda of the Bhrashtachar Mitao Satyagraha will be to force the Government to:
    1. Declare names of Swiss Account Holders
    2. Remove high denomination notes
    3. Make proper foreign account policy to prevent stashing away of black money
    4. Formation of a strong Lokpal to curb corruption

    Please go following website for more information:

    Baba Ramdev will launch the Bhrastachar Mitao Satyagrah in Ramlila maidan (Delhi) on June 4th (birthday of Maharana Pratap)
    This will comprise of upto 1 lakh people holding fast along with Baba Ramdev to protest against corruption and force the goverment to enact various laws like :
    1. Enact a strong and effective Jan Lokpal bill by August 2011
    2. Immediately declare all wealth in foreign countries being held by Indians illegally , as National Property
    3. Immediately sign and ratify the UNCAC – United Nations Convention against Corruption
    4. Recall and abolish all highest currency denominations – 1000 , 500 , 100.
    5. Remove all english(british) based system from all parts of the country.

    ek bhartiya
