ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS TRAIN SYSTEM IN THE WORLD. WILL OUR GOVERNMENT EVER STRIVE SINCERELY TO IMPROVE ITS PATHETIC CONDITION? Around 25,000 people die every year on India's railways. Some of these casualties come from train wrecks, of which there are many, but the vast majority come from people falling out of open doors or being hit on the tracks, according to Hiten Raja. During rush hours, trains are a nightmare in first class and general compartments, as commuters scramble for every inch of space. Bent on saving time, people recklessly cross tracks to catch their trains, and women often take to chopping vegetables in preparation for dinner. Despite the chaos, 18 million people buy tickets every day on Indian Railways. In a country with over 1 billion people, trains unsurprisingly are very crowded, here commuters queue to buy tickets 7,000 trains haven't proved nearly enough and overcrowding has been the cause of a majority of the 25K deaths each year Tickets on Indian trains are almost always sold out Here commuters clamber on to an over-packed national train travelling from New Delhi to Bihar A father passes his terrified daughter on to an over-crowded train during summer when train travel picks up Hanging out of trains is a daily routine for most commuters India's former railway minster increased the railway budget by 40% to $13 billion to boost railway infrastructure with hardly any worthwhile results Hindu pilgrims sit on top of a train. In February 18 people were killed in Uttar Pradesh while riding on top of a train Opting for short cuts, many commuters run across tracks to catch their train. Illegal track crossing kills hundreds of Indians every year Trains often hit cars, buses and pedestrians at railway crossings. 14 people were killed in this accident in Bihar Will the Indian Railway Minister or Manmohan Singh's Government ever do something to improve the conditions which are beneficial and comfortable for the Indian population cum railway commuters and also by cutting out undue risks to their precious lives, instead of bluffing them with hollow promises time and again? sent by DVS Kang |
I love my India and want it to be the best in the world. It has the talent and capability. The state has constantly deteriorated in last six decades. The downfall is due to low quality, incompetent and corrupt leadership, unaccountable, equally corrupt bureaucracy and ineffective judiciary unable to fulfil people's aspirations resulting in unparalleled corruption and lawlessness. Drastic changes are necessary to make systems vibrant and responsive to make it an India of every Indian's dreams.
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