Saturday, October 12, 2013

Military - The Apolitical Force

1. Hats off to the team of CNN IBN LIVE and the anchor- Anubha Bhonsele for a fantastic 30 Minutes coverage on current malaise, discriminations and injustice being faced by  Defense Forces- both serving and the veterans community. 

2. The link below is a MUST SEE for all civilians misguided till date by people like Karan Thaper, Barkha Bibbi, Rahul Kanwal etc who bring discredited old fogies like Mehta,  Hoon and Kadyan  on shows  day after day and repeat the same  arguments condemning the demand for justice and invoking outdated ideals. 

3. Col Rajya Vardhan Rathore and Gp Capt Gandhi were  bang on target when they  said that a soldier and a veteran is very much within his right to be politically aware and demand for justice.

MUST WATCH- Before it is taken down

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