Thursday, December 24, 2015

A letter to Raksha Mantri by Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen & Chairman IESM, Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd) on Formation of Judicial Committee for OROP

22 Dec 2015
Shri Manohar Parrikar
Hon’ble Raksha Mantri
104, South Block, New Delhi



Hon’ble Raksha Mantri
1.      In spite of our numerous requests to remove the shortcomings in the implementation of One Rank One Pension as announced by the Govt, not only the shortcomings have not been removed, a one man judicial committee has been constituted vide Govt Notification No. 12 (01)/2014-D (pen/Pol)-Part–II dated 14 Dec 2015 (Copy attached).
2.     Our delegation had met you on 01 Dec 2015, in your office wherein you had informed that Gen VK Singh is being detailed to mediate with us for the removal of shortcomings. Gen VK Singh has informed that he has not yet been nominated for the mediation. This is indicative of the apathy of Govt towards a very important issue of implementation of OROP which had forced the Ex-Servicemen to launch a Protest Movement across the Country since 14th June 2015.
3.     Military values, its tasking and management are a very different onerous duty of the Govt and should always be taken seriously for the security of the Nation. The soldier needs to be treated with due dignity and respect so that he can be can be proud of being a soldier of a democratic Nation called Bharat. Unfortunately the Governments for the past 67 years have been constantly degrading, downgrading, ill-treating and mistreating the military. I would like you to read the following lines written by Sir Winston Churchill:
“The Armed forces are not like a limited liability Company to be reconstructed from time to time as the money fluctuates. It is not an inanimate thing like a house to be pulled down or enlarged or structurally altered at the caprice of the tenant or owner. It is a living thing. If it is bullied it sulks; If it is unhappy it pines; If it is harried it gets feverish; If it is sufficiently disturbed It will wither and dwindle and almost die, and when it comes to this last serious condition, it is only revived through lot of effort and lots of money”.
4.     Hon’ble Defence Minister, you are strongly requested to cancel the Judicial Committee ordered by you and grant us delegation meeting at your earliest to resolve the shortcomings are already brought to your Notice in the Notification issued by the MoD on 07the Nov 2015 for the implementation of OROP.
5.     The recommendations of 7th CPC have further downgraded the military. A large number of anomalies have been added to the already existing anomalies of the 6th CPC. We strongly recommend a Commission on the lines of blue ribbon commissions of UK for Pay, Pension, Allowances and status of Defence Forces in its entirety including the retired phase of the profession. The commission being suggested must have members both from Ex-Servicemen as well as the serving defence personnel. It should be given time-bound schedule not more than three months to forward its recommendations and thereafter, the Govt decision should be promulgated within in 15 days. Soldiers must be accorded the status of preferred citizens of the country.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen & Chairman IESM
Mobile: 9312404269014110570

Copy to:-

General Dalbir Singh
ADC Chief of the Army Staff
Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Army), South Block, New Delhi-110011

Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha
Chief of the Air Staff &
Chairman, Chiefs of Staffs Committee (CoSC), Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Air Force)
Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi 110011

Admiral R K Dhowan
Chief of the Naval Staff
Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Navy), South Block, New Delhi -110011

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