Kindly allow me to convey my view as to why Field Marshal Manekshaw invited displeasure of the ruling establishment that shunned him while he was alive and abstained even from his last rites.
Please recall the launch of invasion of East Pakistan by our gallant troops after brutal repression unleashed by dictator Yahya Khan and his military against their own unarmed civilians.
Led by brave officers our "Jawans" started advancing rapidly. While the nation was jubilant, someone high up was not. We can recall similar situation in Kashmir, a quarter of a century earlier, when, as victory was in sight, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru first dithered ** and then ordered our troops to cease fire.
The whole nation was perplexed as to Nehru's inner motives. We need not be so naive any more. This is what Lt. Gen. Depinder Singh, PVSM, VSM, wrote in his book, “Field Marshal SAM MANEKSHAW, Soldiering with Dignity”:
** (Quote) "I was the director of operations at Army Headquarters. A meeting was called as to how to deal with the advancing Pakistani tribesmen supported by Pak Army. Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel, Baldev Singh (Defence Minister) and myself were present in the meeting. Nehru was as hesitant as ever and was talking about UN resolution, Africa, Russia's permission, Plebiscite and God almighty, what not.
“Eventually, Sardar Patel lost his cool and asked Nehru, "Jawaharlal, are you going to sign the paper or not?" Nehru then signed the paper and I took it of him.(Unquote).
To show his “love” of Pakistan Nehru also ordered the return of 5,500 square miles of territory captured by our troops in Pakistani Kashmir, Pakistani Punjab and in the Sindh sector. It seemed an inexplicable gesture to common man in India but Nehru had complete sway & hold over the nation as, too, his daughter Indira.
Partition of our sacred Motherland had been a horrendous experience for the people- millions of whom lost their lives and belongings, with many more millions taking to flight for safety. At the same time there existed quite friendly feelings for Pakistan as for as the top ruling dynasty of India was concerned.
Nehru and Jinnah, remained extremely cordial towards each other like real brothers. When Viceroy Mountbatten flew to Karachi to inaugurate the State of Pakistan on 14 August 1947 he took Nehru's personal greetings and best wishes for Pakistan with him. Nehru never called the other side "enemy" as is usual in case of bitter territorial disputes or war.
When our troops were advancing in Kashmir and inflicting heavy losses on the invaders the concern of Nehru seemed to be more to save Pakistan from humiliation than a decisive victory by the Indian army.
That was also the predicament of his daughter Indira when our troops under Gen Manekshaw started wiping out the enemy in East Pakistan in 1971.
An embarrassed Indira called Manekshaw and suggested cease fire and to negotiate safe return of the refugees to their homes and to fully restore the sovereignty of East Pakistan.
Manekshaw, a brave man and a patriot, was shocked to hear this. He replied, "Madam, I am a professional soldier and I do not contemplate cease fires or the return of captured territory. Please leave the conduct of war to me."
Anyone still perplexed over Indira's displeasure with Sam Bahadur, the proud and upright general, now has the answer.
RS Rajput
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