Saturday, April 9, 2011

OROP - A PIECE OF GOOD NEWS and an Advertisement by GOI

A Peace of Good News on OROP
Petition by Rajeev Chandrasekhar on
Grant of One Rank, One Pension
accepted by Petitions Committee of Parliament
"It is learnt that the petition on OROP submitted by the Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) has been appreciated and agreed to in principle by the Hon’ble Vice President of India. Taken up at the parliament, the petition has been approved and is being referred to the Petition Committee for deliberating and establishing in detail, the finer nuances which may take a few sittings. Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar is also expected to be invited to participate in the Petition Committee. If any intimately knowledgeable ESM should feel that he is in a position to contribute in the Petition Committee deliberations, inviting him too, is said to be possible."
We are pleased to inform you that the Petitions Committee of Parliament has accepted a Petition presented by Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament, on Grant of One Rank, One Pension to ex-servicemen and retired defense personnel. The Petition Committee will now meet to discuss the Petition and issue advertisements in leading news papers to seek comments and suggestions from public. The Committee will then consider all letters and suggestions received and take the matter of One Rank, One Pension for consideration.

This Petition by Mr. Chandrasekhar is in continuation of his efforts for the resolution of One Rank, One Pension issue for the armed forces veterans and to address the sense of hurt, injustice and dishonour in the Armed Forces and bring parity in the pensionary benefits for the retired personnel of Armed Forces.
We will alert you when the advertisements are issued so that you present your views to the Petitions Committee. Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions or comments you wish to make to the Petitions Committee, you are welcome to send the same to me or Mr. Sanjay Prabhu at
You are welcome to share your comments or feedback.

Yours Sincerely

Mr V Anand
Principal - Public Affairs,
Office of Rajeev Chandrasekhar,
Member of Parliament
Advertisement by GOI
Dear Veteran Friends all over the World,
The Govt of India has put the subject of OROP in public domain inviting suggestion/ comments from the public as well as the stakeholders to the 'Committee on Petitions'. The ad has appeared in the HT of 09 Apr 11.
Scanned copy given below.

Click to enlarge

It is requested that all those who want to submit their comments/views/suggestions should respond within the stipulated time of 15 days.
Thanking you


1 comment:

  1. Junior in same rank has superseded senior with same qualification in the Army as Havildar retired in 1984 was getting pension @Rs 211/- PM where as sepoy was was getting basic Pay of Rs 196/- PM.
    How junior had superseeded in 6cpc.
