Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Anna Hazare said in his letter to PM

Anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare on Wednesday shot off a letter to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, slamming the reaction of his government and the Congress to his indefinite fast on Lokpal Bill issue, and urged him to show courage to take unprecedented steps to fight the menace.
Responding to Congress' criticism that his protest was "premature", 72-year-old Hazare said authorities resort to "malicious slandering" whenever cornered and asserted that he was not a kind of person who could be "instigated" into going on an indefinite fast. He alleged that "their spokespersons are misleading the nation".
Hazare, who launched his fast-unto-death on Tuesday in New Delhi, told reporters that he was willing to join a committee on the bill issue only if Congress chief Sonia Gandhi was a member of it, maintaining that any other such body would lack powers.
'Cong's criticism of my fast is an insult to my wisdom'

Referring to criticism of his protest, Hazare said in the letter, "Dear Manmohan Singhji, this is an insult to my sense of wisdom and intelligence. I take advice from many friends and critics but do what my conscience directs me to do."
"It is my experience that when cornered, governments resort to such malicious slandering. I am pained that the government, rather than addressing the issue of corruption, is trying to allege conspiracies when there are none," he said.
In the letter, Hazare said the activists were not asking for accepting the Bill drafted by them but create a "credible platform" -- a joint committee with at least half members from civil society.
"Your spokespersons are misleading the nation when they say that there is no precedent for setting up a joint committee. At least seven laws in Maharashtra were drafted by similar joint committees and presented in state Assembly," Hazare wrote.
"Even at the Centre, when 25,000 tribals came to Delhi two years ago, your government set up a joint committee on land issues within 48 hours. You (Singh) yourself are the chairperson of that Committee. This means the government is willing to set up joint committees on all other issues but not corruption. Why," he asked in the letter.
'Removing Pawar from GoM is not a solution'
Addressing the press at the protest site at Jantar Mantar, Hazare said there is a talk of joint committee but they are constituting such a committee without any powers. "Is Sonia Gandhi in there? We will not go to any committee which does not have any powers.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan requested me to attend the committee. If Sonia is ready to attend the meeting, we are ready. If she is not ready, why should we go," he said.
Hazare, however, said Dr Singh is a "good man" who is not tainted by corruption. "Remote control se gadbadi hote hei. (The problems are created when a remote control operates.)," he said.
On questions about Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar whom he had criticised on Tuesday, Hazare said the question was not whether Pawar is removed or not from the Group of Ministers on corruption issue.
"If Pawar is removed, his brother will come there. What we need is not a committee of ministers. We need a committee involving public," he said.
'Don't want a golmaal draft of the Lok Pal Bill'
Hazare said he was ready to die for his cause. "Some people have given contract to kill me. Somebody has given Rs 30 lakh to kill me. But they say they will not kill Anna but they say they will kill Anna's men," he claimed.
Asked whether he and his supporters will support the government if they decide to bring the Lok Pal Bill in Monsoon session, Hazare said they are ready for it.
"But tell us what is in this bill. They will make a golmaal draft. They will cheat us. We repeat our demand for a joint committee," he said.
Countering allegations that he had shown impatience, Hazare said in the letter to Dr Singh that every government has shown "complete insensitivity and lack of political commitment" to tackle corruption.
'63 years after Independence, we don't have
an effective anti-corruption system'
Hazare said, "Sixty-three years after independence, we still do not have independent and effective anti-corruption systems. Very weak versions of the Lok Pal Bill were presented in Parliament eight times in last 42 years. Even these weak versions were not passed by Parliament."
"This means, left to themselves, the politicians and bureaucrats will never pass any law which subjects them to any kind of objective scrutiny. At a time when the country has witnessed scams of unprecedented scale, the impatience of the entire country is justified. And we call upon you, not to look for precedents, but show courage to take unprecedented steps."
This write up and photographs are by the courtesy of

The actual letter from Anna Hazare
to Dr Manmohan Singh,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Dear Dr. Singh,
I have started my indefinite fast at Jantar mantar. I had invited you also to fast and pray for a corruption free India on 5th April. Though I did not receive any reply from you, I am hopeful that you must have done that.
I am pained to read and hear about government's reaction to my fast. I consider it my duty to clarify the points raised on behalf of Congress party and the government by their spokespersons, as they appear in media:
1. It is being alleged that I am being instigated by some people to sit on this fast. Dear Manmohan Singh ji, this is an insult to my sense of wisdom and intelligence. I am not a kid that I could be "instigated" into going on an indefinite fast. I am a fiercely independent person. I take advice from many friends and critics, but do what my conscience directs me to do. It is my experience that when cornered, governments resort to such malicious slandering. I am pained that the government, rather than addressing the issue of corruption, is trying to allege conspiracies, when there are none.
2. It is being said that I have shown impatience. Dear Prime Minister, so far, every government has shown complete insensitivity and lack of political commitment to tackling corruption. 62 years after independence, we still do not have independent and effective anti‐corruption systems. Very weak versions of Lokpal Bill were presented in Parliament eight times in last 42 years. Even these weak versions were not passed by Parliament. This means, left to themselves, the politicians and bureaucrats will never pass any law which subjects them to any kind of objective scrutiny. At a time, when the country has witnessed scams of unprecedented scale, the impatience of the entire country is justified. And we call upon you, not to look for precedents, but show courage to take unprecedented steps.
3. It is being said that I have shown impatience when the government has "initiated" the process. I would urge you to tell me - exactly what processes are underway?
(a) You say that your Group of Ministers are drafting the anti‐corruption law. Many of the members of this Group of Ministers have such a shady past that if effective anticorruption systems had been in place, some of them would have been behind bars. Do you want us to have faith in a process in which some of the most corrupt people of this country should draft the anti‐corruption law?
(b) NAC sub‐committee has discussed Jan Lokpal Bill. But what does that actually mean? Will the government accept the recommendations of NAC sub‐committee? So far, UPA II has shown complete contempt for even the most innocuous issues raised by NAC.
(c) I and many other friends from India Against Corruption movement wrote several letters to you after 1st December. I also sent you a copy of Jan Lokpal Bill on 1st December. We did not get any response. It is only when I wrote to you that I will sit on an indefinite fast, we were promptly invited for discussions on 7th March. I wonder whether the government responds only to threats of indefinite fast. Before that, representatives of India Against Corruption had been meeting various Ministers seeking their support for the Jan Lokpal Bill. They met Mr Moily also and personally handed over copy of Jan Lokpal to him. A few hours before our meeting with you, we received a phone call from Mr Moily's office that the copy of Jan Lokpal Bill had been misplaced by his office and they wanted another copy. This is the seriousness with which the government has dealt with Jan Lokpal Bill.
(d) Dear Dr Manmohan Singh ji, if you were in my place, would you have any faith in the aforesaid processes? Kindly let me know if there are any other processes underway. If you still feel that I am impatient, I am happy that I am because the whole nation is feeling impatient at the lack of credible efforts from your government against corruption.
4. What are we asking for? We are not saying that you should accept the Bill drafted by us. But kindly create a credible platform for discussions - a joint committee with at least half members from civil society suggested by us. Your spokespersons are misleading the nation when they say that there is no precedent for setting up a joint committee. At least seven laws in Maharashtra were drafted by similar joint committees and presented in Maharashtra Assembly. Maharashtra RTI Act, one of the best laws of those times, was drafted by a joint committee. Even at the centre, when 25,000 tribals came to Delhi two years ago, your government set up a joint committee on land issues within 48 hours. You yourself are the Chairperson of that committee.
5. This means that the government is willing to set up joint committees on all other issues, but not on corruption. Why?
6. It is being said that the government wants to talk to us and we are not talking to them. This is utterly false. Tell me a single meeting when you called us and we did not come. We strongly believe in dialogue and engagement. Kindly do not mislead the country by saying that we are shunning dialogue.
7. We request you to take some credible steps at stemming corruption. Kindly stop finding faults and suspecting conspiracies in our movement. There are none. Even if there were, it does not absolve you of your responsibilities to stop corruption.
With warm regards,
K B Hazare
This letter is received through the courtesy of Report My Signal



    Dear Veterans

    Fourth day (8 April) of Veteran Anna Hazare's fast has galvanised the whole country and all Indians around the globe. All proud indians who dream of corruption free India are also observing fast to confirm their solidarity with Anna Sahib. The number of Indians observing fast and participating in the movement has crossed millions. IESM is supporting the protest in more than 50 cities in India. Protests are now spreading from cities to villages and will very soon cover entire India. This looks like a repeat of movement like QUIT INDIA OR DANDI MARCH. I got calls from veterans in Australia and USA who are appreciative of the IESM stand on the issue and encouraged us to continue supporting Anna Hazare and the noble cause and confirmed that they are also observing fast for this noble cause. One veteran who has settled in Australia has been visiting the IESM tent with his family for the last two days in support of veteran Anna Hazare and IESM. There were more than 10000 proud Indians from all parts of India at Jantar Mantar through out the day.

    Veteran Anna Hazare is true soldier and is in good health. Rigorous army training is keeping him fit even today. While four other demonstrators had to be given medical aid and probably hospitalisation. Anna Sahib's health is good and he is in high spirits. He has rejected the half-hearted approach of the emissaries of the PM and has requested the emissary to take his message to the PM, "People of India are fed up with corruption in high places and will not accept any half-hearted approach to tackle this dragon, the dragon of corruption has to be killed and buried once for all. India needs stronger and effective laws to curb this menace. India also wants rules for strict implementation of these laws and HENCE JAN LOK PAL BILL."

    Some veterans have been suggesting that media is not interviewing IESM office bearers and IESM is not visible in the footage shown on TV. IESM has aligned with this campaign to show solidarity with the Anna sahib and his team and the cause. IESM members are intentionally keeping a low profile and not appearing for spot interviews as a planned strategy. IESM has confirmed to the organisers that all ex- servicemen family of 23 lac members is supporting this cause and will keep extending support to the peaceful and non-violent movement. IESM banner is placed in a stragic location and is prominently visible in TV projections.

    IESM tent is manned by volunteers and members of Governing body round the clock. A register is kept there for all the veterans to sign and confirm their support to the cause. Veterans visiting the tent have been joining the IESM more than 60 veterans have joined IESM today and have given donations also while visiting IESM tent.

    By now you must have heard the breaking news that Govt has bowed down to the wishes of veteran Anna Hazare and has agreed to all the demands. IESM salutes and congratulates Veteran Anna Hazare and all citizens of India for the victory of people against corruption. It only goes to prove that any Govt will bow down to the wishes of people and the vote bank if the people are united. IESM is giving a call for all ex-servicement to unite and fight for OROP and Govt will be forced to give OROP.

    Veteran Anna Hazare will break his fast after the Govt issues the letter accepting all the demands of the movement. It may happen by tomorrow morning.



    Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
    Gen Sec IESM


    Lokpal Bill

    What Anna Hazare is doing has the approval of more than 100 crores of people of India (editorial, “Clamour for Lokpal”, April 6). His deep concern that forced him to go on fast-unto-death is a beginning of people’s movement against rampant corruption in the highest echelons.. The Prime Minister said, “nobody should try to dictate the nature of the legislation regarding the Lokpal”, but is himself dictated by corrupt Cabinet Ministers because of coalition compulsions.

    The country has been graded the fourth most corrupt nation of Asia. People had to rise to the occasion in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to throw out the corrupt and ineffective regimes and India really is no exception. Our party fully supports Anna Hazare and appeals to the people and other like-minded parties of India to join the movement to eradicate corruption from the country. The UPA government must understand that they must not test the tolerance and patience of people.

    Capt AMAR JEET KUMAR, (retd), General Secretary, Nationalist Sainik Party of India Nationalist Sainik Party of India!!

    I have altered certain portions of the above letter, made them bold.

    To the best of my knowledge, this is the first sainik political party in India.


    Krishan K Punchhi

  3. Aftermath of Anna’s "Fast unto Death"

    My Dear Friends,

    I very much appreciate devotion & determination of Anna Hazare, an Ex Havildar of the Indian Army. His history after his discharge from the Army at an early and premature age, is replete with instances of sacrifices he made for his village and for the state of Maharashtra. His patriotism and sense of dedicated devotion towards a cause, have not only been the result of his illustrious and disciplined career in the Army, but also of a burning desire within him to work as a selfless citizen of this great country.

    Incidentally, There are millions of ex-servicemen in the country who work on similar principles as Anna, without expecting much from the nation, except a dignified and respectful life, but unfortunately this government, is still immune to the force of their conviction, their service and sacrifices made for the nation, during and after their retirement.

    Undoubtedly Anna’s ideals are great revolutionaries like Swami Vivekanand, Mahatma Gandhi and similar great Indian personalities. His devotion towards these personalities has given him an immense power to attract, millions of right thinking citizens of the country, who believe in their ethically correct teachings and ideals.

    It is a pity that our leaders and politicians, who give lip service only to Gandhian systems and ideals, to impress Indian population, are the greatest hypocrites and seldom practice them truly and sincerely themselves or within the Indian Polity. If they had been true to the Indian constitution, to the Gandhian principles and ethos or to the oaths of office they have been taking in front of Indian Public for upholding these, the situation now in the country would never have deteriorated to this extent. They have only bluffed and hood winked the population with false promises before each and every election and most selfishly served their own and personal cause to bestow upon themselves all facilities in cash and kind or in whatever ways possible.

    Mr Anna and his followers including myself, must fully realise that this is not the end of their mission and struggle but is the start point. The present government which has placed the most cunning amongst its ministers on the committee, would try to bulldoze their way through, to their own advantage, to enable them to continue ignoring and shielding, acts of corruption in high places. The public members will have to be vigilant to ensure that they do no lose advantage due to their notional representation. Once Lok Pal Bill is formulated and passed and becomes a legislature, the job would then start.

    This is the time, when all the corrupt people should be identified and are made to face the lok pal to reap the rewards of their misdeeds and mis-doings. The confiscation of entire wealth and property of the corrupt, must be done immediately, so that they are not able to dispose off or sell or transfer the wealth and property, during the period of litigation. This would have to be universally applied in all the states, so that no corrupt could escape under any circumstances. The people at all levels must also become very strict, vigilant and stringent in encouraging any types of corrupt practices. They must be bold and courageous to report any cases of corruption coming to their notice.

    I also very much support the Anna’s plan of conferring a right to the citizens of the country for "recalling the failed or non performing public representatives including ministers" elected by them within a specified period. The suggestion of Swamy Ramdev Ji, of getting back Indian money stashed in foreign banks and for demonetisation of Indian currency notes of higher denomination to discourage large scale and disproportionate circulation and holdings, by unscrupulous elements including corrupt politicians, must be done as early as possible.

    With regards

    Col LK Anand Retd

  4. Dear Friends,

    Trust my forecast. Lokpal Bill will not get through. With criminal cases pending against 154 MPs and serious criminal cases including rapes, murders, extortions, kidnapping and attempted murders against 56 MPs with Ambani Brothers and greedy millions of Bania Brigades, there is no hope.

    ON TOP OF all THAT, YOU HAVE umpteen different political bosses from top to bottom AND THEIR children,friends and relatives, whose holdings are in BILLIONS IN SWISS AND OTHER OFFSHORE A/Cs, and who do not seem to be interested in overcoming problems of corruption so far.

    I think Annaji knows that and that's why he called for "Get ready for the War".


