Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sorry Plight of two Defence Veterans at the Hands of Babudom - Address letter to Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj

An invisible third party up in sky would be looking down at the two of us as the Emperor and a Beggar.
Why has the distance between the rulers (baboos) and the ruled (army pensioners) increased so much as between North Pole and South Pole?
I do understand the reason but think it is unprintable. These are not the rulers one would like imposed on him even in Hell. It is as simple as that.
The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad (UP) does not even acknowledge my letter or e-mail. The Pension Paying Officer stopped paying my pension two years ago. So I sent my PENSION BILL (claim) through the Military Adviser, Indian High Commission in London in June and again in November last year.
I neither got the pension nor any reply. It is astonishing as well as shocking.
Here in UK, where I live, if I did not get a reply from any office, I could complain and protest. I would DEFINITELY get a reply, positive or negative. But from INDIA there is silence as if Father of Nation, GANDHI, has gone on "MOAN BRAT" (fast by silence) till eternity.
Thank God I am in a country that does not let anyone starve. What would have been my fate if I was in my dear and sacred Motherland for which, during my active military service, including spell in field area, J & K, I was prepared to die?

Rajinder Singh,Veteran (79), UK.

Lt Cdr (Retd) Avtar Singh (81913 R)

317 Pocket E mayur Vihar, Phase II,
Delhi 110091
Tel 22789657, Mob 9971259010
To Shri Satpal Maharaj
Chairman Standing committee on Defence
C/O Secretary Ministry Of Defence
South Block New Delhi
Will I ever get Justice in my Lifetime
Respected Sir,
1. I am a retired Naval officer aged about 78 yrs and currently engaged in a struggle to get Justice from the government.
2. My demand is simple “Please give me what six cpc has recommended and what government under a resolution has approved”.
3. I started my struggle on 26 Nov 2008 and had been in correspondence with service HQ. MOD, MOF, CGDA PCDA, Cabinet Secretary and three ministers.
4. Since I did not get justice from the government I along with 139 fellow officers filed a petition (OA No 24/270) with Armed Forces Tribunal principal Bench Delhi.
5. Another fifteen identical petitions have been filed with AFT Delhi and Chandigarh. I am enclosing list of litigants with this letter.
6. All the sixteen petitions have been heard and under three different judgments have been admitted. Non of the petitions have been disallowed.
7. Respected Sir as against three months given by AFT six months have passed and yet I am not getting justice.
8. The sole aim of the official is to frustrate me to death.
9. I wish to state that
(a) Six central pay commission is not at fault
(b) The Government has passed the resolution favouring us
(c) It is the babu who is creating road Block.
10. May I request your good self to intervene and get me the justice.
11. Finally can the matter be referred to Law Ministry for opinion specially in light of National litigation policy.
I am looking forward for a favourable reply
Yours truly,

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