Sunday, September 15, 2013

India Modified

Modi has arrived and arrived in style, notwithstanding the bombastic resistance from pseudo seculars and their paid agents in Media and elsewhere.  Delhi is finally on NaMo’s radar and his troops can see the domes of South Block, which he should hopefully occupy by May 2014, if not earlier.

The political career of the senior BJP leadership seems over. They did not see the writing on the wall and have now been overlooked by their cadres. The BJP President, Rajnath Singh, handled it well, but in hindsight, his efforts were completely unnecessary.  The lesson for the future is to let the leadership come out through open internal elections where the village, district and the state level leaders vote. Had there been a contest to choose the PM candidate, it is evident that Modi would have easily vanquished the rest. Unanimity is not required.  This is true democracy.

The ruling dispensation is notably jittery. During Modi’s recent visit to Jaipur, Rajasthan had the electric supplies shut so that the village folk did not see the live telecast. Their impending doom will now translate into incoherent actions. Where in the world has anyone ever heard of an opposition leader, who is only a state CM, being discussed thoroughly be it TV, print media, cocktail circuits, vegetable vendors, taxi drivers etc.  NaMo is taking away 80% of their time. Nobody wastes time on the ruling dispensation and hardly anybody even discusses them? The discussions on them are generally negative and the junta only wants to know if some of them will eventually go to jail.

From the Aam Admi’s point of view, NaMo had made an important statement on a Zee TV program “Kahiye Janab”.  He stated: “Na mein kahta hoon, na kisi ko kehne deta hoon”. No wonder, the levels of corruption in Gujarat is comparable to that of Singapore.

Modi at the gates of Delhi augurs well for the Indian State.

a) Sycophancy and nepotism will soon be an era of the past.

b) Good bye to vote bank politics.

c) Bureaucrats will fall in line.

d) NGOs who operate from garages of Lutyens Delhi will have to move to safe havens in opposition ruled states.

e) Many newspapers will die. The advertising budget in Gujarat was reduced by 80%. Expect the same by the Modi Government.

f) The Armed Forces will get their much cherished “Political Control”. Issues will be solved pronto before any soldier can say “Jack Robinson”.

g) Along with Swamy and Jethmalani, most of the black money stowed abroad will possibly be brought back. The Rupee will challenge the Dollar.

h) NO Income Tax as per Swamy’s statement.

i) Terrorists will now have a “maut ka saudagar”.   India has become the most dangerous country after Iraq and Afghanistan.

j) Some of the neighbours may have already gone into a huddle.

k) Modi has a good memory. The Americans had better watch out.

l) J&K could see end of Article 370.

An eminent General recently wrote an article “Death of Politics”.  I disagree.

Modi will bring in clean politics. He has no dependents to speak of. A bright future awaits a Modified India


The views expressed by the author are his own and not necessarily of this blog.

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