Sunday, September 15, 2013

Narendra Modis First Rally as BJPs PM Candidate At Rewari in Haryana in presence of Gen VK Singh

'I salute the sacrifice of our jawans'

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who was on Friday named the Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 national elections, addressed a massive rally in Rewari, Haryana on Sunday afternoon, his first after he was named the party’s prime ministerial candidate.

Narendra Modi began his address to ex-servicemen at the rally with a "Bahrat mata ki jai" chant. He thanked ex-army chief V K Singh for attending the rally. 

"Never before in my life have I stood before so many soldiers. I salute the sacrifice of the jawans. To die for the country, to desire martyrdom is no less pious that rishis of India,” he said. “India has been starved for good news for a decade. We have been getting news of defeat and disappointment. Today, I congratulate the scientists who have successfully test-fired the Agni-V ballistic missile.” 

At the rally Modi said that as a child he dreamed of serving the armed forces and he went on to narrate a small anecdote from his childhood days. “I was in Std VI. I belonged to a poor family and had not even seen Rs 2. So when I saw an advertisement in the newspaper for recruitment of the Jamagar Sainik School, I saved Rs 2 and got the prospectus,” he recalled. “I asked my father for money to travel to the sainik school, but my father said we did not have the means; my dreams remained unfulfilled.” 

“And this is the same school in Jamnagar where Haryana Chief Minister Hoodaji went. Unhone Gujarat ka namak bahut khaya hain,” Modi laughed.

'The call of change is coming from this rally ground'

The Gujarat CM then went on to speak about his elevation in the BJP. "It 
is God's wish that I stand before you as the PM's candidate. I feel happier being the BJP's PM nominee after coming to this rally," said Modi.
"This must be a divine signal. This rally was planned months earlier. How was I to know on September 13 such a huge announcement would take

"I attended a rally in Rewari with Atalji, but today's scenario is different. It cannot be captured on any camera," he said. "The call of change is coming from this rally ground in Haryana." 
"There isn't a family in Haryana that hasn't been touched by Swami Dayanand Saraswati and his Arya Samaj movement. During the emergency, Morarji Desai was interned in Haryana and that is a connection Haryana has with Gujarat. Sri Krishna was from Dwaraka in Gujarat but he is connected to Haryana through Kurukshetra where he delivered the sermon of Bhagwad Gita," Modi said.

'Problem is not at our borders, the problem

is in New Delhi'

He attacked the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for its handling of security issues such as incursions by China and the killing of Indian jawans at the border and repeated ceasefire violations by Pakistan.

At the rally Narendra Modi slammed the defence ministry and the government for the lack of respect to the armed forces. "When Gujarat was struck by the earthquake at Bhuj, the soldiers of the Indian Army arrived as saviours (devdoot). In Uttarakhand, our soldiers worked relentlessly to save people and some of them were killed in serving the pilgrims. I salute them and am proud of their sacrifices."

"When the country was commemorating such sacrifices, Pakistani soldiers were killing our soldiers along the border And unfortunately, our Defence Minister (AK Antony) said in Parliament there were some people in Pakistani army uniforms. How painful that must be for the thousands of Indians? But the government in Delhi doesn't seem to care,” he added. 

"It is painful to see ministers giving statements that people join armed forces to die," he said.

'Terrorism, Maoism no difficulty if

India has capable leadership'

"Whenever I get the opportunity to celebrate Diwali, I go and spend it with soldiers on the border. I have laid 700 km of pipeline to get drinking water to the last border outpost when I saw camels were deployed to fetch water. We have made a Shaheed Smarak (memorial) on the border for those who laid down their lives in the wars with Pakistan," he claimed.

"Pakistan doesn't let up in its antics, China is going eyeball to eyeball threatening to stop the flow of Brahmaputra. Are our neighbours troubling us because our army is weak? No. The problem is not at our borders, it is in Delhi." 

"Till we have a capable government in Delhi which is nationalistic and committed to protecting every citizen, we can't guarantee security.” 
Modi said that there is threat of internal security. "India has lost more jawans to bullets from terrorists than enemies from across the border. The nature of war has changed. Many more countries and people are affected by proxy war or terrorism as compared to those in the two world wars. There should be a global consensus on tackling terrorism, Maoism and that is no difficulty if India has capable leadership," he said.

'Pakistan should fight it's own evil not India'

Modi also sounded a warning to Pakistan. He urged Pakistan to fight its own evil and not India. "The Pakistan government should concentrate on the development of it's own country."

"Pakistan has a newly elected government, there was hope that they would try and improve relations. But the way our soldiers were killed shows their intentions are not good," he said.

"To Pakistan's rulers I say fight against poverty. Weapons and warfare have done you no good in 60 years. Try not allowing terrorists to use your territory for 10 years and you'll see your progress will be manifold," he added.

"Cross-border terrorism can't benefit India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. To Pakistan, I say you may have been born out of anti-India politics but that can't contribute to your progress," he said.

'Politicians should learn secularism from Indian Army'

Modi said that the armed forces are the biggest symbol of secularism. "Vote-bank politics has eaten into foundations of this country. If politicians have to learn secularism, look at the Indian Army. There is no greater example of Indian secularism. The army is an epitome in peaceful co-existence and harmony," he said. "The netas are trying to divide the army on the basis of religion."   

He said that the youth were shying away from joining army as they are neglected. He demanded that the government of India bring out a 'white paper' on the status of the one-rank-one-pension. He said that if the Vajpayee government was elected in 2004 we would not face these circumstances.

The Gujarat CM also raked up graft issues facing the armed forces. "Most of the budget of the army goes towards importing cheap munitions. We are a country of 1.2 billion with the capability of launching its own
missiles, but we import the smallest of things." "The people in Delhi don't know how its soldiers are but do know when the next tender is coming out. We should dream that we will have the capability of developing our defense industries and become exporters," he said.  

Modi appealed to the armed forces to mobolise the youth to cast their votes. "Casting your vote is also a way of serving the nation. When we get the right to vote, many of us don't appreciate the gift of our constitution. "Towards the end of his 65-minute speech, he invoked his dream of building a Sardar Patel memorial. “I want your help with another endeavour. Sardar Patel united this country but for many years his contribution has been forgotten. He was a farmer, he was the iron-man of India." 

He said that the tallest statue is in the US -- the Statue of Liberty. "India needs to make a bigger statue -- the Statue of Unity." He appealed to the armed forces to contribute to the Iron Man memorial. "I want a piece of iron from every village - iron that is used to till the land in villages."

Modi ended his speech with chants of Bharat Mata ki Jai and Vande Mataram.  

By the kind courtesy of

Some photographs are sent by friends from the Rally


  1. Warmest Greetings Fellow Veterans on parade at Rewari!

    The Rewari Rally can have great significance for the well-being of India's future generations if we veterans play our role, not as much as that of warriors, as of elder statesmen. What India needs today is not our willingness to make the Supreme Sacrifice, but our wisdom earned through honourably always putting Duty-before-Self and our commitment to placing the welfare of the people that we commanded before our own comfort and security.

    While in service we served the Nation by thwarting the enemy on the battle-field, despite not having been equipped as well as India's security challenges demanded. But we succeeded because we had political leadership, perhaps lacking in strategic understanding, but certainly not in patriotism and in its commitment to the welfare of our Motherland.

    Today, that very political leadership is no more the driving force for rallying our collective effort towards preserving our sovereignty and national honour. Instead, political leadership has turned itself in to the biggest threat to our Nationhood. Altruism has given way to selfishness, Republicanism has given way to Dynastic Rajshahi.

    As Shri Modi addresses the Veterans' Rally and seeks to know our difficulties, it would be in the fitness of things to lay aside our grievances and stay focused on the issues that ail our governance. As a composite body of patriots we need to assess whether Shri Modi is indeed made of the old political fervour of patriotism and Nation-First philosophy. Assess whether he has the integrity, the political will & skill, the administrative abilities, but most important of all establish whether he has the instinct of a patriot, a statesman and a true saviour of a society to know how to go about setting right the many infirmities that have been inflicted upon this Nation. Convince yourselves that he is not just political bluster, but truly a man of action, that he has the magical blend of impatience with sycophants & band-wagon riders, bur patience with true solution-providers.

    If you think he is different from the run-of-the-mill politician and can do for India what he has done for Gujrat, then we have to give him our whole-hearted support. India needs all its true patriots to be united to politically, socially, economically, strategically save it for future generations.

    Jai Hind!
    Air Chief Marshal Tipnis
    Anil Tipnis/Tippy

  2. Dear Veterans,

    1. I listened to the speech of Shri Narendra Modi; when he addressed the massive crowd of Ex-Servicemen at Rewari. Though I heard Gen VK Singh, , Maj Gen Khanduri, Ex CM of Uttarakhand and saw Maj Gen Satbir Singh of IESM on the dias, it was only NaMo all the way. He was the star attraction.

    2. The video coverage given by this link helped me to feel as if I was sitting with one of the massive crowds in the venue. I heard every word spoken by NaMo with rapt attention and found Shri Narendra Modi spoke with such a passion, I do not think any present or former Chief could match his eloquence, passion, empathy and genuineness. He covered all subjects which are of immense interest to the soldier community.

    3. You can see the respect he showed to Ex-Servicemen when he bowed to the veterans on the dais and to every place occupied by the crowd at the venue. It was a sincere and genuine gratitude he showed to veteran community. I have never seen any political leader having such a gratitude to the veterans.

    4. He narrated why he could not join Sainik School, Jamnagar, pains he took to get the prospectus and send it. But why he could not attend the written examination to Sainik School due to his family's poor financial condition is narrates with such feeling that I felt like crying. He said how he felt great when he served tea, snacks to the jawans at railway station in Gujarat going to the border when 1962 Operations commenced. He said he did not feel so much happiness even when he was anointed as PM candidate by BJP on 13 Sep 2013 as he felt now when he saw massive crowd of Ex-Servicemen at Rewari on 15 Sep 2013. He explained why the UPA -II is interested to import defence equipment but does not want to spend money on welfare of Ex-Servicemen. He showed his pain when he sees the disabled Ex-Servicemen being deprived of their entitlements. He told how the theft of electricity in Gujarat disappeared when Ex-Servicemen were appointed for bill collection. He said a war memorial was erected in Gujarat which is placed in the tourist map of his state. He sanctioned and implemented a water supply project with pipe line of 700 kms to take Narmada water to posts located at the IB in the Gujarat border with Pakistan.

    5. If this is the pull NaMo is going to have with crowds even in state like Haryana which does not have much of BJP presence as on today, then I have no doubt this party will easily cross 200 mark all by itself in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections under banner of NaMo.

    6. He did not make many promises to Ex Servicemen as I was expecting eagerly but said had NDA-II came back to power in 2004, OROP would have been sanctioned. He did say that suitable environment should be created by which able bodied and intelligent youth join Armed Forces willingly to fill up the 40% shortage in the officer cadre of the Armed Forces. This definitely brings a ray of hope that we shall see bright days if NDA-II becomes a reality in 2014. Atleast there is someone who is willing to listen to our problems even if all of them are not solved immediately.

    7. Shri Narendra Modi exhorted all Ex-Servicemen to motivate all citizens of 18 years of age and above to register as voter and vote in the next elections.

    8. NaMo left me no doubt if any Government has even a modicum of interest in the welfare of soldiers including Ex-Servicemen, it is only the Government of NaMo if and when it comes to power.

    9. I have no doubt the hostile attitude of the bureaucrats showed to the fauzis will disapper if NaMo comes to power.

    10. Choice is now with the veterans to remain apolitcal and keep beating their breasts till 2019 for the injustices meted out to them by the Government of the day or motivate everyone & anyone who they come in contact with, to consign the most corrupt UPA - II into dustbin of history, never to come up again like Congress party in Tamilnadu.

    11. The organisers deserve kudos for organising such a massive rally at Rewari. This is just a curtain raiser.

    Brig CS Vidyasagar

  3. Points in Favour of Modi

    1) He is an Indian first. Always India first for him.
    2) Quick on the uptake.
    3) An efficient Politician / Bureaucrat/ Economist / General / …… all rolled into one.
    4) Simply does not belong to any cocktail circuit.
    5) Terrorists have no place to hide. No Blood and Biryani diplomacy.
    6) If you are innovative, you are the man for him.
    7) Respects the country’s armed / paramilitary forces.
    8) Likes India to stand up on her own legs, and not go around with a begging bowl.
    9) Great extempore orator and speaks to the point. Hopefully, one day he will speak at the UN in Hindi.
    10) Last but not the least, he does not steal nor does he allow others to steal.

    In Addition ......

    He is a good administrator with proven record.

    He is workaholic.

    No dynastic background.

    He is subjected to the worst form of crucifixion from the corrupt, immoral, biased and selfish media, NGOs and critics (big mouths on sale).

    He is a bachelor therefore nation got his 20 hours a day in service.

    He keeps his family and relative at a distance from power.

    He got a vision for the nation and knows how to implement it.

    He is a common man who has experienced poor Indians problem.

    He knows how to motivate the nation.
