The 10th day
of December is a memorable day for the Indian Military Academy (IMA) as it was
on this day, in 1932, that the formal inauguration of this prestigious
institution took place. Though the academy began functioning on October 1,
1932, it was only on December 10 that Commander-in-Chief Sir Philip
Chetwode inaugurated the Academy.
The inauguration had to be delayed more than two months. The first cadets arrived on September 30 and IMA opened on October 1. Chetwode said in his speech at the inauguration, “I wish I could have welcomed the Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) of the new Indian Military Academy on the day they first made their appearance here, for it was a memorable day in the history of the Indian Army.”
He added, “I
could not do so because it was pointed out to me that they had not yet received
their uniform, nor were they sufficiently drilled to make an inspection on
parade possible. At the request of the commandant, I, therefore, postponed my
visit until today, when he said that he would be ready to receive me.”
Brigadier LP
Collins had been appointed the first Commandant of the academy in January 1932.
The holding of examinations, nomination of cadets and other preparatory
activities had begun figuring in news reports. The July 30, 1931 issue of The
Pioneer, under the caption ‘Notes from Dehradun’ wrote, “His Excellency, the
Commander-in-Chief, was here for a few days last week, from July 14 to 17.
He was probably here in connection with the Indian Military Academy, which has
only a couple of months ahead of it now before opening.”
The founding
of this prestigious academy in 1932 was the culmination of a long drawn battle
fought in circles such as the Central Legislative Assembly and the Round Table
Conference by stalwarts like Sir Sivaswamy Aiyar, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pandit
Motilal Nehru and Lala Lajpat Rai. At the end of Commandant’s speech in
Chetwode Hall on December 10, 1932 came the historic inaugural speech of Sir
Philip, the concluding words of which have echoed in the hearts and minds of
young GCs and officers of the Indian Army over the generations. These words,
inscribed in letters of gold in Chetwode Hall, are the credo of the academy.
The words are,
“The safety, honour and welfare of your country
come first, always and every time.
The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command
The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command
come next.
Your own ease, comfort and safety
Your own ease, comfort and safety
come last, always and every time.”
These words
form the quintessence of the values of the noble profession of arms. Sir
Philip’s speech was widely reported in newspapers. Greetings poured in from
many quarters and messages of congratulations were received by IMA on December
10, indeed a red-letter day for the great institution. Before the inaugural
ceremony was the Ceremonial Parade. At 9.45 am, the GCs marched into the
parade ground. Ten minutes after this arrived Brigadier Collins, who was
received by GC Smith Dunn.
At the
stroke of 10 came the Commander-in-Chief. The inaugural ceremony in Chetwode
Hall was followed by a display of physical exercises by the cadets. Later, Sir
Philip attended a hockey match between IMA and the RIMC. The day concluded with
an ‘at home’ in Chetwode Hall, with the Commandant as chief host.
The history
of the IMA from 1932 to 1947 is common to India and Pakistan. The crucial link
between the founding of a military academy and the attainment of Independence
was acutely realised by a section of the Indian leadership in the days of
struggle for Independence. Their concerted efforts resulted in the initiation
of the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms — which enabled 10 Indians to be sent to
Sandhurst for training — setting up of the Skeen Committee in 1925 and later
holding of the Round Table Conference in London in 1930, which recommended the
establishment of the Indian Sandhurst without any delay. As a follow-up action,
the Government of India set up a committee to work out details under the chairmanship
of Field Marshal Sir Philip, who was then Commander-in-Chief, India. The
committee submitted its report in July 1931, recommending an establishment for
training 40 entrants in each term. The academy became functional with a course
strength of 40 GCs.
The first
course had on its rolls Sam Manekshaw, Smith Dunn and Mohd Musa. All of them
later became chiefs of the armies of their respective countries, namely India,
Burma and Pakistan. The course was christened ‘Pioneers.’ The Government
acquired the estate of the erstwhile Railway Staff College at Dehradun, which
had the appropriate buildings and a fairly extensive campus to meet the
requirements of the academy. The campus was taken over for the academy in April
1932 to begin a glorious tradition.
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