Respected Parrikar
I was astonished to
read your statement about OROP. It said that all major issues have been
addressed. In case there are any issues that need to be considered it can be
represented to the One Man Judicial Committee.
Let us first
see what are the major issues without which OROP has no meaning. First is that
pensions of past pensioners are brought at par with the present pensioners,
with the same rank and same length of service, irrespective of date of
retirement. After this was done any future increase given to current pensioners
is automatically passed on to past pensioners to ensure that past pensioners
continue to draw the same as the current pensioners.Have we addressed
any of these issues to call an increase in pensions announced as
OROP ? Let us examine one by one.
the Salient features of the OROP that
have been addressed.
Date of
To begin with, pension of the past pensioners would be
re-fixed on the basis of pension of retirees of calendar
year 2013 and the benefit will be effective with effect from
1.7.2014.Pension will be re-fixed for all pensioners on the basis
of the average of minimum and maximum pension
of personnel retired in 2013 in the same rank and with
the same length of service.
OROP is equalisation of pensions and not re fixation. It therefore
flouts the basic requirement of OROP.
Net result of this is that past pensions will be worked out on the basis
of lower scale and what accrues will be given for three months less period. A
loss of minimum of Rs 2100 cr to the veterans. Further the entitlements will be
worked out on average of minimum and maximum of 2013 scales. In one stroke
rather than give something what the Veterans want, it has taken away what has
been given to them for decades Yes1 It is top of the scale I am talking
Re-fixation After 5 Years
The next issue that seems to have been resolved is-
In future, the pension would be re-fixed every 5 years.
This would
mean that the pension will never be equal to the current pensioners level.
Instead of One Rank One Pension it will mean a minimum of One Rank Five
Now we come
to the next point that has been resolved.
Personnel who opt
to get discharged henceforth on their own request under Rule
13(3)1(i)(b),13(3)1(iv) or Rule 16B of the Army Rule 1954 or equivalent Navy or
Air Force Rules will not be entitled to the benefits of OROP. It will be
effective prospectively.
We were
thrilled when you appointed a committee to suggest means to cut down litigation
that the veterans have to resort to to get redressal for their problems. This
benevolence is going to work precisely against that spirit. Rather than save
them from going to the Court this will force every one to follow that
channel.The result in all cases be in favour of Veterans but they will have to
go through the trouble and expense.
The next
point is-
The Govt. has decided to appoint a Judicial Committee
to look into anomalies, if any, arising out of
implementation of OROP. The Judicial Committee
Will submit its report in six months,
What is this
Judicial Committee going to solve that can not be solved by sitting across the
table with us. If NFFU which is nothing but Daylight Robbery on the Govt
Treasury can be approved and sanctioned for Civilians without a whimper, in a
matter of days, all minor issues that may arise can surely be solved by
us sitting together. In any case our respected PM has given us Veterans
Commission for our problems last year. It has yet to be constituted. Let this
be made a reality. Our problems that come up can be looked after by it.
Having gone
through this note you tell me whether all matters have been addressed or
not. Honestly speaking these have only been addressed for destroying the
very concept of OROP. The net result of this Notification will be all
round disappointment and frustration leading to a flurry of Court Cases.The
Veterans will continue to be treated as beggars by the Bureaucrats.
PM Who Means
We are not
opposing this because we want to let down the Govt. Please do understand that
we are, by taking this stand are only ensuring that our respected Prime
Minister goes down in the history as a leader who liberated the Armed Forces
from the stranglehold of the Bureaucracy and ensured that they got their
rightful place in the Society and not the one who let down the Veterans. A
leader who not only knew what he wanted but also knew how to get it.
A concept
that was brought up by us on 22 Feb 1982, has been finally defined by the
Koshyari Committee of Rajya Sabha led by a very respected leader of the BJP and
sanctioned by two Parliaments. This concept was devised to release the Veterans
from the stranglehold of the Bureaucrats. This Notification is their desperate
attempt to maintain their stranglehold. Their technique as usual has been to
complicate rules so much that it becomes difficult to correct these in future.
Its for the leadership to think whether the bureaucrats can be permitted to
destroy the Armed Forces and play havoc with the National Security.
for your serious consideration and granting us proper relief. Full justice will
only be possible if the present Notification is withdrawn and new one is
issued. To ensure that the bureaucrats do not short change once again, we be
co-opted with the drafting team. We are prepared to help in any manner you need
our services.
With warmest
Yours Great Well Wisher
Lt Col Inderjit Singh
Author of OROP
The Hon'ble
Sh Manohar Parrikar
Defence Minister of India
South Block
New Delhi
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