
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If there is any Hindu power, Hindu unity, Hindu intelligence and Hindu national standing it has to show now

sent by Ramans Shriman
Date: 2011/1/16
1- VHP must rope in the dust collecting Shankarachrays and sant samaj to create the Hindu defection in ruling parties to topple the desh drohi government and set up election in next 3-6 months and bring all Hindu govt.
2- All desh drohis, national harming criminals and corrupts must be hanged.
3- All non taxed assets (chal achal sampatti) must be confiscated and brought to national coffers
4- All loots to date including that done in British period must be brought back to national treasury
5- Re-write Hindu killer constitution towards achieving lakshya chatushtrya
6- Re-construct India around gau-gazing yards, gaushalas, havan mandaps, yogshalas, grukuls and ashrams to make it Bharat
7- Establish holy Vedic rajdharam to provide vidya, sushiksha, swatantrya dharm and dhanadi at paribhushitha level – by dumping the bakwas of human right in the rubbish bin (read SP samu 6 Rigveda m 3 su 38 mn 6)
8- SBSRK (sab bhoogol shatru rahit karo) is directed towards manushya prani in holy yajurveda(A9M40) and must be achieved by manushya prani (rig m1 su 39 mn 2), i.e. by Aryas rather than allowing this job to be mis-managed by human being .
9- Hindu power must end up in creating bade bade chakarvarti rajya as directed in holy Atharved for the numerous benefits as enumerated there.
10- Gradually UNO should be dumped in the bin and holy Vedic KVA Org should replace it headed by at least a dvivedi kshtriya-Indr and advised by Chaturvedi Rishi Mandal
What are u doing on this 26th Jan 2011???????????????????? repeal the hindu killer constituion and install the HOLY VEDIC SAMVIDHAN (i.e SHUDH KIYA HUA VIDHAN) which is directed to the Lakshya Chatushtya.
Holy brham rishi manu burned his midnight oil for centuries as a brham rishi with his long experience as chakrvarti maharaja for several hundreds years and wrote Manu smriti in instructional form by deriving these instructions from holy vedic vangmaya starting at Maha-darshan (master philosophy) of traitvaad and decending up to instruction level for achieving lakshy chatushtya.
Hindus,Aryas, Vedic people have dumped his instructions including those on holy vedic rajdhrama by adopting the falsehood of democracy and dirty democracy from historically janglee human being is the biggest tragedy of hindu, aryas and vedic samaj.
So if Hindus, Aryas and Vedic people are facing their death drama in the hands of foreigns religions and foreign forces it is not the fault of holy brham rishi manu or holy vedic samvidhan

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