by Lt Gen Vijay
Three incidents of collective indiscipline by jawans in the last few
months, reflecting a breakdown in the traditionally close officer-man
relationship, are a cause for concern, especially as all three of them are
related to combat units, where a stable and healthy officer-man relationship is
an article of faith.
The Indian Army, with a justifiably proud record of service to the
nation, has always placed officers-men bonding at the highest level. In
the past, the army has handled such incidents with compassion and firmness,
which will no doubt happen again. However, there is need for comprehensive
remedial actions. We must not succumb to a tendency of being simplistic, like
attributing such incidents to recent cases of corruption amongst a few senior
officers. Such attributions are obviously absurd, as these are two vastly
different issues. The need is actually to focus on command and control,
discipline and officer-man relationships.
In combat units, a thorough knowledge of jawans by their officers is a
must. Included in this are the jawans’ capabilities and limitations; what
enthuses or dampens their spirits; their backgrounds as well as of their
families; and whether they are team persons or loners. Earlier, senior unit
officers acted as guides and mentors in this respect. Unfortunately, on account
of the huge shortage of officers in combat units today, as well as the large
number of tasks assigned to the few available officers, it is virtually
impossible for them to spare time to do so now.
The main reason for this state of affairs is the prolonged employment in
fighting insurgents and terrorists over decades now, which have taken stress
and fatigue to extremely high levels. These operations are extremely difficult
and full of tension, especially on account of scrupulously adhering to human
rights norms.
A major caveat of the army’s secondary role of assisting the civil
administration is that it must be released as soon as the task is over, but in
counter-insurgency operations there appears to be no end state! There has been
no insurgency in the north eastern states for many years now, but neither the
states concerned nor the central government want to release the army. In
J&K, the situation has improved vastly, but the police forces are not in a
position to assume control. The army’s reasoning that the situation will
deteriorate rapidly if the army is de-inducted is sound, but why are the police
forces not being made capable?
While the government must squarely take the blame for this state of
affairs, the army hierarchy also needs to be blamed for not pursuing it
There are also three other issues that need to be tackled by the
government. The first is deliberately downgrading the esteem and importance of
the military by successive governments. This has resulted in our soldiers
becoming greatly disillusioned not only with the government officials but, what
is worse, also with their own officers, who are being viewed as devoid of any
power, as civil and police officials studiously ignore requests from commanding
officers relating to various problems of soldiers projected by them. This is in
stark contrast to earlier times when the civil officials responded with
alacrity when a commanding officer wrote to them about the personal or
collective problems of his jawans. This aspect needs immediate improvement by
good governance and by educating the officials.
Soldiers’ lay their lives on the line, not because of the pay or
allowances that they get (which in any case are less than what the equivalent
civil officials receive) but because of their self-esteem and military élan.
These need to be nurtured by the civil administration.
The second and related issue is the military intake. Although
recruitment rallies draw large numbers, the reason is no longer pride in
joining the military but massive unemployment, resulting in inferior manpower
joining the military. In the case of officers, young men from traditional
military families are no longer enthused with the forces. The main reason is
the decline of respect for the military.
The last point is the treatment of the veterans. The government needs to
understand that the policy of ignoring those who have served the nation
sacrificing their all will be a disaster in the long run. Future generations
will not heed the call of the bugle when they see neither respect nor adequate
financial benefits being given to the veterans. The present indifference and
callousness must end.
Will Delhi wake up?
The writer is a former Vice Chief of Army Staff
The article appeared in the Mumbai newspaper DNA.
Dear Sir, I appreciate your concerns but disagree with the point that government/ society is responsible for disrespect for military service/ military personnels. It is Military leadership who is solely responsible. Had any general not seen Jawans are sleeping on railway plateforms like beggars? Jawans are forced to boot polish of officers? Jawans are forced to do menial work at commissioned man houses, forced to live in jhuggis in nearby cantonment areas, forced to lead cattle like life in barracks, paid less than peons, disrespect to snco's and jco's, jco's are paid less than primary teachers but non had opened mouth. How you can expect respect when 90% of force is discredited by their own leadership as second class citizens. Dear sir, if can't respect your own people and always think in selfish manner as if only commissioned man in uniform only deserve respect and good remuneration, then think of consequences.......
ReplyDeleteDear Sir, do you think that the Indian politicians and the bureaucrat lot understand the simple language, requests and the problems of people guarding their nation and sacrificing for their tomorrow. We in the uniform tell every visitor "when you go back home, tell every one that we gave our today for your tomorrow". We know what we mean by these words but will the politicians and the bureaucrats understand this simple language? This lot only understand slaps like the one given by the Honourable Supreme Court of India on 04 Sep 2012. The interests of the politicians and the bureaucrats are entirely different and need no repetition here. No doubt that the Honesy may take little more time to teach them lesson. But finally the Honest Force will always win. SATYAMEVA JAYATHEY