by Air Marshal R. S. Bedi (retd)
A FEW decades
ago a senior former bureaucrat wrote in his book that it was not possible for
the armed forces to stage a coup in India. The argument was simply based on the
fact that Indian society was a complex body comprising different castes,
religions, languages and ethnicities. No General, however popular, could be
sure of total loyalty and backing of so diverse a force as the Indian armed
forces. He was perhaps right. Despite this, the fear in the corridors of power
continued to persist, for many a fledgling democracy was falling prey to
ambitions of men in uniform. There lay the genesis of the process of downsizing
and subordinating the Indian armed forces.
At present, the state of affairs in the armed forces is somewhat
disturbing. The cumulative effect of years of neglect of the forces has begun
to manifest. Today’s soldier is educated, conscious of his status and standing.
His aspirations are growing with the fast-changing environment around him.
This, perhaps, is the main reason for repeated incidents of indiscipline in the
Army. The men were never so verbose and openly daring as they are now in
expressing their dissatisfaction. The palpable resentment of the mass of the
forces against the government doesn’t augur well for the future.
Year after year, the armed forces have been given a raw deal. They are
downgraded with regular periodicity and denuded of power due to them. Enough
has been said about their dwindling status. Even the para-military forces seem
to be overtaking them in many respects.
The bureaucracy has tightened its grip to the extent that orders from
the highest in the government establishment are either diluted or not
implemented in proper spirit. Realising deep discontent in the armed forces in
regard to the Sixth Pay Commission award, the Prime Minister ordered a
high-powered committee to look into the armed forces’ grievances. The
bureaucracy got away with impunity without delivering. The problem continues to
simmer. There is mounting discontentment over the government’s inability to set
things right. The political leadership that should, in fact, be the epicentre
of power is gradually becoming ineffective.
The retired community, less shackled with rules and regulations, is far
more verbose and has even resorted to rallies and dharnas to express their
dissatisfaction. They surrendered their hard-earned medals to their
Commander-in-Chief to protest against the step-motherly treatment meted out to
them. The President showed scant regard for this desperate act of the soldiers.
Surprisingly, even the para-military forces are better placed and better
looked after by their Home Ministry than the armed forces by their Defence
Ministry. In the case of the latter, the Services first struggle with their own
ministry to get past it to secure government approval for anything that it
needs. The reason not generally known for the para-military forces to be under
the Home Ministry instead of the Defence Ministry in itself assures them
somewhat better treatment. They don’t have to fight with their own ministry as
do the armed forces.
The armed forces are not in any major decision-making loop, not even in
regard to national security. This is when the country is on the verge of
completing its nuclear triad and acquiring strategic weapons. Presently, no
uniformed personnel serve in the Ministry of Defence despite the
recommendations made by various committees in the past to make decision-making
more informed and rational. Many a committee, including the one on Kargil, has
made such recommendations but none has been implemented by the all-powerful
bureaucracy. It’s a pity that despite the highly specialised staff available at
the Services headquarters, the political establishment relies totally on the
Ministry of Defence civil servants drawn from diverse backgrounds. Since the
Services have a limited access to the political establishment, they are unable
to make any worthwhile contribution to matters of national importance. The
Chiefs can hardly meet the Prime Minister. Meeting the Defence Minister is not
a routine affair either.
The plight of the soldier has not moved the conscience of the
government. He is taken for granted and tasked to perform what his civilian
compatriots prefer not to do or perhaps consider it too dangerous to stake
their lives. He is killed almost every day which is just a matter of statistics
for the government. Only his family sheds tears for they will have to struggle
for the rest of their lives; first with the bureaucracy to get what is due to
them and then try to subsist with growing responsibilities and scarce
resources. His status and emoluments are perhaps among the lowest in the
government hierarchy. Yet he does not come out in the streets to protest. But
now the discontentment is no more confined to whispers. It is getting louder by
the day. Questions are asked but unfortunately the answers are not forthcoming.
How long will the mandarins in the North and South Blocks ignore the writing on
the wall?
The military leadership has been sounding the government at various
levels but to no avail. In a rare display of political magnanimity, the Defence
Minister wrote to the Prime Minister a couple of months ago with an implicit
warning in regard to the deteriorating state of affairs in the armed forces.
The Prime Minister acted ‘promptly’ and asked the bureaucracy, the same people
who are largely responsible for creating the mess, to look into it. The
bureaucrats, as is their wont, refused to include representatives from the
armed forces whose problems they are supposed to resolve. Obviously, one doesn’t
expect much from them in the absence of their voice being heard directly. In
the end, some cosmetic changes will be brought about, but the problem will
linger on.
Today’s Indian Army is no more the same as it was a decade ago. To take
them for granted without responding to their genuine needs would be a serious
mistake. They are no more reticent and subdued. At least, three cases have been
reported in the recent past of revolts against officers. It may be the tip of
the iceberg. In any case, it is a reflection of deteriorating standards and
morale of men in uniform. Whatever be the reasons for dissatisfaction — pay,
pension, food, facilities or status — once the intensity of feelings reaches
the critical stage, the consequences may be serious.
The naval mutiny in 1946 was led by signalman M.S. Khan and Telegraphist
Madan Singh as a strike in protest against the general conditions of service,
inadequate facilities and poor quality of food. The revolt spread fast
throughout the British India from Karachi to Calcutta and ultimately came to
involve nearly 20,000 sailors on 78 ships and 20 shore establishments. So was
the 1857 mutiny inspired by an ordinary soldier called Pandey in Meerut that
soon escalated into other mutinies and civilian rebellions?
The Indian Air Force too was gradually sucked in the naval strike. And
so was the Indian Army. The NCOs defied the orders from their British
superiors. In Madras and Poona, the British garrison faced a revolt in the
ranks of Indian Army. In fact, widespread rioting took place from Calcutta to
Even the British Air Force revolted against the conditions of service in
January, 1946. The mutiny began in Karachi and spread to sixty RAF stations in
India, Ceylon and Singapore. Lord Wavel, then Viceroy of India, stated that the
action of the British airmen inspired both Indian Navy and Air Force mutinies.
Revolts and rebellions are not necessarily led by the officer class; in fact,
often by men whose only concern is their conditions of service and welfare.
Today the discontent is far more pronounced than ever before. Whether it
is the lackadaisical attitude of the government or a wilful decision is hard to
say. But it would be a gross mistake to ignore the writing on the wall and the
lessons of history so soon.
The writer is a former
Director- General, Defence Planning Staff.
For any organisation the operational commitments precedes the administrative commitments.
ReplyDeleteWe tell every one “Realise what you did and what you have given to the organisation before thinking as what the organisation has given you”
The existence of every one in any organisation is for the goal of the organisation.
The goal can only be achieved through the operational commitments.
If the above are positive, true and correct then how come Indian Administrative Service is on the top of Indian Armed Forces?
Indian Armed Forces are operationally committed to protect the Nation, its people, its assets, its wealth. This is what the operational commitment. The administration has no priority over the operational commitments.
But the Indian Government even for that matter The Indian Constitution placed the Administration over the Operational commitments. How can one expect the Country will prosper? In order of priority the following precedence if evolued would help the Country to prosper for ever: -
Indian Operational Service – Under the President of India - This includes all armed forces and Para-military forces.
Indian Foreign Service
Indian Economic Service
Indian Administrative Service
Followed by rest all other services as the Gazette
Then See how integrity builds up and how the Country develops.
Dear Friend,
ReplyDeleteI wish you had revealed your identity. I really appreciate your thought process. I also agree with you that neither the constitution of India nor the present Government nor any past Governments, nor any other executive, legislative or judicial authority, have given this aspect any consideration, priority or importance so far. No doubt the Indian Armed Forces who have been given this onerous operational responsibility cum task are actually doing a highly commendable job to ensure the operational integrity of the Nation.
It is most unfortunate that the most indifferent and ignorant Indian leadership, is unable to think in a judicious manner, but have been singing to the tune and towing the line of a highly under rated, irresponsible, corrupt, indifferent, unaccountable and self serving bureaucracy of the country. They have constantly made deliberate attempts to denigrate, the Armed Forces of India ever since the Indian Independence, so that their precedence has consistently been lowered at every stage, every occasion and every opportunity they got to do it.
This consistent down gradation of the Armed forces in the eyes of the public has neither benefited the Nation nor the leadership of the country, even though the Armed Forces have ensured India's territorial integrity, besides safety and security of every Indian citizen, who leads a care free and safe life due to the stead fastness and operational capability of the Indian soldier, who performs his duty 365 days maintaining a vigil 24 hrs of the day, without even blinking an eyelid, for all the injustice which is being meted out to him by this ungrateful and inconsiderate Government duly misguided by the equally ungrateful bureaucracy. What a shame indeed.
It is hoped that at least now, when the country is being pushed into the so called major reforming process, leading to several political storms, a good sense would now prevail and the respect, dignity, reputation and emoluments of the Indian Soldier/Armed Forces is restored to a respectable level ie the level it used to be during the period of Indian Independence.
Col LK Anand Retd
ReplyDeleteYou know me
Am same Raju who posted long posts about the rank pay calculations, and in some posts I gave even my rank and full name.
Here I typed a long post but before I could clicl Publish the net got disturbed and everything gone away. Will send it some other time about this post.
Will keep in touch through mails into your gmail in box.