Rank Pay
forms a part of basic pay, release arrears to affected officers : Supreme
The Hon’ble Kerala High Court
in a case filed by Maj AK Dhanapalan had termed illegal this deduction of rank
pay. The SLP filed by the Union of India was also dismissed, albeit not on
merits but on technical grounds of limitation.
Perhaps historically the most important litigation involving
the military has culminated today.
A three judge Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court today decided not
to interfere with its earlier decision granting the cumulative benefits and
arrears of Rank Pay with effect from 01-01-1986 to all affected officers.
However, the interest component has been modified and interest @ 6% per annum
would now be admissible on the arrears from 01-01-2006 rather than 01-01-1986.
All payments have been directed to be made within a period of 12
weeks from today and the benefits shall be released to all officers irrespective
of whether they had approached a judicial forum or not.
As many would be aware, after the 4th Central Pay Commission
(CPC), an integrated pay scale of Rs 2300-5100 was implemented for officers
from the rank of 2/Lt to Brig. In addition, rank pay was authorised to officers
from the rank of Capt to Brig ranging from Rs 200 to 1200 which was to be added
into the basic pay for all intents and purposes.
However, while fixing the pay in the new scales, an amount equal
to the rank pay was deducted from the emoluments resulting in financial loss to
all affected officers. Hence all officers holding the rank of Capt to Brig as
on 01-01-1986 suffered cumulative losses.
Soon thereafter, many similar petitions were filed in various
Hon’ble High Courts all over the country which were clubbed together and
transferred to the Hon’ble Supreme Court to be heard alongwith an SLP of
similar nature which had arisen out of a case that was allowed on the basis of
the judgement in Dhanapalan’s case.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court on 08 March 2010 upheld the said
verdict and
granted relief to all similarly placed officers alongwith an interest of 6%.
Things were however not to end there since the Govt constituted a
committee to look into the amount involved and went back to the Hon’ble Supreme
Court by filing an application for recall of the order dated 08 March 2010 on
the grounds of burdening of the exchequer and also stating therein that many
more issues on the subject were not taken into consideration by the Court and
hence the order needed to be recalled.
The case thereafter remained pending before the Hon’ble Supreme
Court and was finally argued today when the Hon’ble Court, after hearing
marathon arguments of the Solicitor General appearing for the govt, decided
that there was no infirmity in the order passed on 08 March 2010. As informed
above, only the modification in the grant of the interest component was
The case was not without surprising developments which can now be
shared since the issue no longer remains sub judice.
First was the total incorrect and skewed presentation of the
status and pay of military officers vis-à-vis officers of the civil services
projected in the affidavit appended with the recall application filed by the
Union of India. The speciousness thereof has
already been discussed by me on the blog in November 2011 and
all those falsities were exposed in the affidavit filed on behalf of the
affected officers before the Hon’ble Court.
Secondly, which can be disclosed now, is that when it was being
projected by the Govt that the Services HQ were also in favour of getting the
verdict recalled/reversed, the three services on the basis of a decision taken
at the apex level, clearly, officially and categorically informed the Solicitor
General in writing that the Armed Forces were not in favour of the matter being
contested against the affected officers and in fact were in favour of getting
the verdict of the SC dated 08 March 2010 implemented. Thereafter, the Ministry
of Defence wrote to the Services HQ asking them to withdraw the communication
to the Solicitor General, however to the credit of the Services, the said
communication was ultimately not withdrawn. Besides showing utter disregard for
the opinion of the services in this matter, this incident also shows as to how
the MoD tries to browbeat the services into accepting its views. Needless to
state, in litigation, one party to a particular litigation can never direct
another to take a particular stand. However this has been continuing unabated
in the MoD wherein they force the Services to reflect the stand of the MoD
before Courts and not project their (services’) independent views as is
permissible under law. And unfortunately, it’s also seen that elements of the
JAG Branch usually toe the line of the MoD rather than the Services.
The biggest ‘Thank You’ for this win goes to Retired Defence
Officers’ Association (RDOA) who had been unflinchingly following up the matter
with great zeal in a very objective and balanced manner.
Jai Hind.
We all are hailing the judgment but no one is commenting on the role of the SC. First and foremost is the fact that by a single stoke of pen the court has deprived us the interest of 20 years it is not a small amount specially for the retired officers of 1986 vintage. Secondly, the court did not show any urgency in deciding the review petition and kept on list the case to a fresh date as if the petition was being heard in a lower court. Thirdly the court totally ignored the fact that it is dealing with case pertaining to officers half of whom were serving and obeying and needed an urgent and better adjudication rather than an arbitration which is net result of the judgement. Majority of us will be satisfied as something is better than nothing. Consequently, the judgment is just quarter of a Staye Mev Jayate and speaks rather poorly of the judicial system prevalent in India. . but
ReplyDeleteJudgment of 08 Mar 2010 spells out interest to be paid from 01 Jan 1986 on rank pay arrears.
UOI files I.A. 9 to recall the Orders of 08 Mar 2010
Judgment of 04 Sep 2012 relaxes the burden of interest which will now be paid from 01 Jan 2006.
What the MOD gained and what the veterans and serving officers lost?
See the table below;
The total interest from 1986 to Dec 2012 on the total rank pay from Jan 1986 to Dec 1995 is 144.25% (If you don’t believe ask me will send the excel sheet)
The total interest from 01 Jan 2006 to Dec 2012 on total rank pay from Jan 1986 to Dec 1995 is 42%
As per UOI and SG the total burden to exchequer is Rs 1600 crore calculated prior to filing I.A. 9 based on Honourable Supreme Court Order of 08 Mar 2010.
Rs 1600 Crore calculated by MOD includes interest at 144.25%. The interest is 944.93 Crore & the total rank pay for 20000 officers is Rs 655.07 Crore
After the Honourable Supreme Court judgment on 04 Sep 2012 the interest rate came down to 42% only. The rank pay of Rs 655.07 crore accrues interest of Rs 275.13 Crore at 42%. The total burden on the exchequer now is Rs 930.20 Crore. (ie 655.07 Crore + 275.13 Crore)
What is achieved by UOI is that the MOD saved Rs 669.80 Crore (Rs 1600 Crore – Rs 930.20 Crore). This total saving is on interest (Rs 944.93 Crore – 275.13 Crore = Rs 669.80 Crore.)
Good, three cheers to UOI for saving Rs 669.80 Crore. But the UOI & MOD should look back and realise as to at whose cost they made this saving, for whose benefit they made this saving, from whose services they made this saving, at whose faults the exchequer today got burdened, at whose mistakes and faults the burden came on exchequer today, why not those who caused this burden to the exchequer today contribute the burden as penalty for their mistakes and failures. Any answers?
Finally the looser are honest armed forces officers who never take the route the way the country’s civilian crowed takes by agitations, rasta rokos, strikes, destruction and so many.
We waited for 26 years, finally some thing came. But how can this fruit reaches those who are no more now. Will the UOI & MOD understand this loss?
Col Raju
I was expecting the interest from Jan 1986 as per judgement of Apr 2010;changing this date to Jan 2006 is huge loss for a retired person;tough on me sir.
ReplyDeleteDear Veterans,
ReplyDeleteThe PCDA (O) has put flash news on its web site asking all officers who were in the ranks of Capt to Brig on 01 Jan 1986 to send the required information on the format given by them. The contention of PCDA(O) is totally wrong. The mistake happened in pay fixation of 01 Jan 1986 was also repeated in Vth CPC on 01 Jan 1996. Then why PCDA (O) is asking only the officers having ranks Cap to Brig as on 01 Jan 1986 only why not 01 Jan 1996 also.
My case is as follows: -
As per the gist of the whole case of rank pay, the observation by the courts was when the pay was fixed in IVth CPC on 01 Jan 1986 and in Vth CPC on 01 Jan 1996, the rank pay was first deducted and the revised pay was fixed and then the rank pay granted was shown separately. This was the anomaly. The pay should have been fixed without deducting the rank pay on 01 Jan 1986 and on 01 Jan 1996 to bring us at par with civilian counter parts pay. By deducting rank pay and then fixing pay then granting rank pay made us at par with our civilian counter parts which automatically granted the rank pay to civilian counter parts too. This was the big anomaly. The pay should have been first fixed with out deducting the rank pay which was not done. Thus the entire episode says that the pay of officers holding the rank of Capt to Brig on 01 Jan 1986 and 01 Jan 1996 was wrongly fixed. I was Lt on 01 Jan 1986, no rank pay was deducted while fixation of my pay on 01 Jan 1986 as I was not holding the rank of Capt and above hence hence am not eligible for rank pay from 01 Jan 1986 as nothing was deducted while my pay fixation. But I was promoted to the rank of Capt in Jan 1988 and I started getting rank pay of Rs 200/- per month from Jan 1986 onwards. When an officer gets promotion, he gets the rank pay in addition to the pay being given to him but his entire pay does not need to be re-fixed on such promotion. Hope now it is clear as regards applicability of fixation of rank pay on 01 Jan 1986. Lts wont get rank pay.
Now the second issue is fixation of pay in Vth pay commission wef 01 Jan 1996.
I was already Captain prior to 01 Jan 1996. As per the pay fixation sheet which I have got along with my pay slip for the month of Jan 1998, my total pay (unrevised) as on 01 Jan 1996 including basic 3600, rank pay 200, DA 5180 (148% max DA on 3500) IR I 100, IR II 380 plus 40% of basic (3600+200) Rs 1520 worked out to Rs 10980/-, CDA (O) has deducted Rs 400 saying "Less revised rank pay" and the revised pay came to Rs 10580, then may pay was fixed at Rs 10800/-(in the pay scale of 9600-300-11400). Here the CDA(O) has faulted by deducting the revised rank pay of Rs 400/- before fixation of revised pay. Had the revised rank pay of Rs 400/- not deducted, my pay works out to Rs 10980/- (see above) and the revised pay should have been fixed at Rs 11100/- (in the pay scale of Rs 9600-300-11400) and not 10800 as fixed by the CDA (O). Thus the deficit amount in my pay fixation from 01 Jan 1996 was Rs 300/- pm which I am entitled every month plus DA as increased from time to time till 31 Dec 2005. This is what the effect.
Col MS Raju
It is an eye opener to me that PCDA(o),continued to play mischiff ,even after 1996. You are very much eligible for revision.So are all those officers whose pay was reduced.Further,more revisions are due wef 1.1.96 and 1.1.2006.Keep interacting and bring out these for action and derivation from GOI. contact me on ph 27113356 at HYD.
DeleteDear Sunlit,
DeleteWe all must understand that the fixation of AF Officers pay (Capt to Brig) on 01 Jan 1986 in IVth CPC and on 01 Jan 1996 in Vth CPC are two entirely different issues. This is not being understood by many of us.
Rank pay was introduced in IVth CPC wef 01 Jan 1986 for AF Officers which was over and above the basic pay fixed at par with our civilian counter parts. Just understand the logic conveyed by this sentence.
When the pay was fixed on 01 Jan 1986 for the first time after the introduction of the rank pay wef 01 Jan 1986, our total emoluments which were worked out at par with our civilian counter parts were not granted to us as basic pay but rank pay was first deducted and the balance was granted (may be stepped up in the integrated scale) as basic pay to us. Just think yourself and tell me that, in this way, was not our rank pay was also indirectly granted to our civilian counter parts? Just sharpen your ideas, you will get the hint. The basic wrong was in the Army Instruction issued by the MoD for calculation of pay in IV CPC. If our AF Officers still not understand what mistake was done by the Govt in Army Instruction, I will quote another example here which clearly indicates the insight of our bureaucrats.
The rank pay introduced in IVth CPC was continued in Vth CPC. Just see your fixation sheet attached to your pay-slip for the month of Jan 1998. Our total emoluments were worked out after adding unrevised basic and unrevised rank pay with DA and IRs. These were the total emoluments which a civilian counter part also got. It means the unrevised rank pay was also given to our civilian counter parts in Vth CPC. In addition to this mistake, our revised rank pay (doubling the unrevised rank pay) was deducted from the total emoluments of AF Officers the deducted amount was give to us as revised rank pay. The bureaucrats did double mistake in admitting our rank pay in Vth CPC.
So far I brought two issues above. Before proceeding to third issue, I would like all our AF Officers Serving and veterans to enalise and clearly understand the following:-
(a) Rank is part of Basic Pay
(b) Rank Pay forms part of basic pay.
The Govt fixed our pay in Vth CPC by considering the rank pay as part of basic pay and in that run the government granted rank pay to our civilian counter parts also in their basic pay.
The clear definition of rank is that “The Rank pay forms part of basic Pay, runs collateral to basic pay and earns all those allowances which basic pay earns”, but it is not part of basic pay to be added to basic pay for fixation of pay at par with our civilian counter parts. In Vth CPC there were two issues involved, one was fixation of our basic pay which should be at par with our civilian counter parts and the other part was fixation of rank pay which includes unrevised rank pay, DA, IR and 40@% there of and this should have been worked in the same way the basic pay was worked out ie unrevised basic pay, DA, IR and 40% of unrevised basic pay. If this was fixed this way, the rank pay in Vth CPC goes three folds to the unrevised rank pay which we got till 31 Dec 1995. Hope you all understood now.
Is implementation of the Honourable Supreme Court judgment really impacts with extensive burden on exchequer? If you ask me I say “NO”. The rank pay meant for us was already paid to our civilian counter parts by deducting it from our total emoluments. Why can’t it be recovered now by those who acted so smartly in downgrading us and benefiting our civilian counter parts? But whatever is the case, no point in digging those things now, what we are interested is we must get our dues. But we as honest people our country it always remain on the back of our mind that undue dues were paid to our civilian counter parts for two decades.
Col Raju
Dear Sunlit,
DeleteLet us first understand that the rank pay granted to us was exclusively for our AF Officers only and no civilian counter part is granted such rank pay. Then why should we talk of what rank pay to be added or deducted to/from basic pay. Rank pay is not part of basic pay but it forms part of basic pay for all the benefits what a basic pay accrues over the time. Then, while fixation of our basic pay in Vth CPC why should the unrevised rank pay drawn during IVth CPC be added to basic emoluments and then why should the revised rank pay be deducted from such total emoluments. This is all against the purpose of granting rank pay to AF Officers (Capt to Brig) in IVth and Vth CPC.
Adding of unrevised rank pay to basic pay for arriving at total emoluments in Vth CPC and then making us at par with civilian counter parts means the civilian counter parts also got the rank pay granted to us. When govt says our basic is fixed at par with civilian counter parts, for such comparison, our rank pay should not be added to our basic pay.
In Vth CPC the unrevised basic plus DA @ the % drawn on 01 Jan 1996 plus IR I plus IR II Plus 40% of unrevised basic all together became total emoluments for govt employees. Our basic also should have been fixed in similar way without adding rank pay, and then only our basic pay becomes comparable with civilian counter parts. After fixing the basic, our Rank pay should have been fixed in the same way such as unrevised rank pay plus DA @ the % drawn on 01 Jan 1996 plus IR I plus IR II plus 40% of unrevised rank pay, then the revised rank pay is fixed in the next slab of such total emoluments. This way the rank pay drawn in IVth CPC triples in Vth CPC. Ranks pay forms part of Basic pay means this only and not adding it to basic to calculate the revised pay. This working out or calculations is nothing to do with permutations and combinations.
We all must insist the govt to keep our rank pay corollary, collateral and parallel to our basic pay as the rank pay gets all those allowances and benefits which basic pay gets over the time.
In Vth CPC pay fixation, if our revised pay was at par with civilian counter parts, the civilian counter parts were also paid rank pay. No doubt in that as the revised pay included the rank pay of IVth CPC. This was the first mistake and the second mistake was of fixing rank pay @ double the IVth CPC rank pay without any calculations and the third mistake done by the MOD was deducting the revised rank pay from total emoluments. There were three mistakes in pay fixation in Vth CPC where as there was only one mistake in pay fixation in IVth CPC.
In Vth CPC if the rank pay was calculated separately and then the revised rank pay was fixed, it would have, till 31 Dec 2005, fetched the DA and other allowances more than the grade pay which was introduced to us in VIth CPC by discontinuing the rank pay. This is not food for thought but an eye opener. Calculate yourself and you will come to know that there is so much to meet the eyes.
Continued from previous post. . . . . . .
ReplyDeleteNow comes Third issue.
I was getting rank pay in IVth CPC Rs 200 plus DA 148% till 01 Jan 1996 making total rank pay Rs 496/- per month till 31 Dec 2005 and later I kept on getting rank pay of Rs 200 + DA Rs 340/- pm at 170% announced in year 1997 till 31 Dec 1997 till before getting the Vth CPC arrears in Jan 1998. This follows that the last rank pay in unrevised pay scale was Rs 540/- including DA. Granting of rank pay of captain for Rs 400/- in Vth CPC wef 01 Jan 1996 was incorrect as the rank pay including DA was Rs 540/- and this can not be brought down to Rs 400/- in successive pay commission. The Capt's rank pay from 01 Jan 1996 should have been fixed at Rs 600/- (Next step to Rs 540/-). This issue need to be taken up by all of us with CDA (O) Pune.
The flash news appearing on the PCDA(O) web site is wrong. As per this flash news they are calling for the relevant information from the officers who were holding the rank of Capt and above upto Brig as on 01 Jan 1986. The mistake which was done in IVth CPC pay fixation was again repeated in Vth CPC pay fixation also.
Hope the Rank Pay case is clear now. But let us wait and see what more mistakes the CDA commits.
Col MS Raju
The notice placed by PCDA (O) Pune in their website is as follows: -
ReplyDeleteSupreme Court verdict regarding rank pay and related matters and action related to revision of pay and admittance of arrears to effected Officers : Transfer Petition (C) No. 56/2007 – VOI vs NK Nair and Others.
1. Supreme Court verdict on Rank pay and related matters with reference to Transfer Petition (C) No. 56/2007 – VOI vs NK Nair and others has been delivered on 04/09/2012 PCDA (O) being payment authority for Army Officers, is in the process of revision of pay of officers in the rank of Capt till Brig as on 01/01/1986, without deducting rank pay on fixation of pay in the integrated pay scale as per IV pay commission orders.
2. case file is 10 years for retirement and for 35 years in respect of short service commissioned officers. As such, there is probability of non availability of pay details in certain cases due to weeding out of time expired records.
3. All affected officers who were in service on 01 Jan 1986 in the rank of Capt to Brig, are requested to forward their details of pay with reference to the pay fixation performae along with due drawn statement for IV, V and VI pay commission and subsequent revision of pay if any due to promotions etc. with documentary proofs like DGNs etc. if available with them. Officers retired/released from Army may also intimate their latest address, PAN and bank details with Bank account No. with IFS code, so that pay can be revised by this office and arrears be admitted to their bankers.
4. Details of NOKs in case of deceased officers initiated by HQrs Command duly authenticated and approved by AG’s Branch, IHQ of MOD (Army) will be required for payment of arrears in such cases.
5. In cases where pay details for revision of pay as on 01/01/86 not available, due to the weeding out of the time expired records and arrears to be admitted based on the details furnished by the officers, an undertaking may be forwarded in the prescribed format for refund/further adjustment regarding overpayment/underpayment.
I hereby undertake that any excess payment that may be found to have been made as a result of incorrect fixation of pay or any excess payment detected in the light of discrepancies noticed subsequently will be refunded by me to the Government either by adjustment against future payments due to me or otherwise through MRO deposited in Treasury in favour of PCDA(O).
Place :
Date :
Col Raju
In continuance to the above post;
ReplyDeleteThe above letter speaks only about the Officers who were in service on 01 Jan 1986 and in the ranks of Capt to Brig for IV, V and VI pay commissions and no one else. But the mistake done by MOD while fixing revised pay in IV pay commission was also repeated in V pay commission. Then why PCDA(O) is silent about those officers who were in service on 01 Jan 1996 and in the ranks of Capt to Brig.
I was commissioned on 20 Jul 1984, got Capt rank on 20 Jan 1988, Maj rank on 02 Dec 1996 and Lt Col (S) on 01 Apr 2000. As per the pay fixation sheet of Vth CPC attached to my pay slip of Jan 1998 the revised rank pay for Capt Rs 400 was deducted from total emoluments before fixation of revised basic pay. I already sounded the PCDA(O) by logging in their website that the Honourable Supreme Court judgement also applies for wrong fixation of pay concerning rank pay in Vth CPC also. Let us see their response. When officers of 01 Jan 86 with ranks between Capt & Brig are eligible for refixation of pay in IV, V and VI pay commissions as given in the PCDA(O) letter copied above then why not fresh entrants in Vth CPC who were holding ranks between Capt and Birg on 01 Jan 1996. PCDA (O) either seems to be in confusion or acting over smart treating that the court judgment pertains to IV pay commission only. These civilian people will never understand.
More over an officer who was Capt on 01 Jan 1996 was getting unrevised rank pay with DA 170% granted in the year of 1997 before fixation of pay in Vth pay commission. The total rank pay with DA a Captain getting was Rs 200+Rs 340 = Rs 540, anything less than this can not be granted as rank pay in Vth CPC. A captain should get Rs 600/- rank pay in Vth CPC and not 400. Similarly Maj's, Lt Col's Col's and Brig's rank pay multiplies by three folds in Vth CPC compared to IV CPC. PCDA (O) is silent about this case.
in Vth CPC the other issue was that the pay fixation and payment of arrears was done in Jan 1998 though the Vth CPC orders were implemented wef 01 Jan 1996. Before fixation of pay in Jan 1998, The Govt has announced DA on unrevised pay in year 1997 and the DA went up to 170% for those drawing basic pay up to Rs 3500 and 153% for those drawing basic pay above Rs 3501 subject to the minimum of 170% on Rs 3500. In Jan 1998 CDA(O) has fixed the revised pay as on 01 Jan 1996 and the pay including DA drawn till Dec 1997 was recovered from the revised pay vide due-drawn statement attached to the pay slip for Jan 1998 which is totally wrong. While the increments earned and IR granted during the intervening period of effective date of pay commission and date of revised pay fixation can be deducted as pay drawn because the revised pay carries the increments from the effective date but the DA granted not being part of the basic pay and being an allowance granted based on AICPN can not be withdrawn after fixation of revised pay as the revised pay does not accrue the same percentage of the DA till date of payment of arrears. This is a blunder mistake repeated in every pay commission. The DA or for that matter any allowances once granted are never withdrawn.
Let us see what PCDA(O) does now. I think we may have to take legal recourse once again in this rank pay case only adding the DA aspect.
Col Raju, Hyd
The MOD must understand the following statements :-
ReplyDelete1. Rank Pay is part of Basic Pay
2. Rank Pay forms part of basic pay.
Why MOD has deducted the rank pay from the total revised emoluments before fixation of revised basic pay in IV and V pay commissions was because what they understood the statement given at serial 1 above. Had the bureaucrats applied analytical and logical mind they could have averted the blunder mistake about 26 years back and would have even corrected the hike in rank pay considering the DA fetched by the unrevised rank pay and also the DA granted based on AICPN during the intervening period could not have been deducted out of the revised pay.
A driver, A pilot, A defence officer has to apply his mind with analytical and logical reasoning & capabilities to react to the situation within 100th part of a second otherwise accidents and getting killed by the enemy can not be ruled out. While we in our profession react to the situation in 100th part of a second can this politicians and the bureaucrats react to any situation at least in 100 days? No chance, they may be academicians but do not have analytical mind with logical reasoning capabilities. That is why so many draw backs, so many scams, so much of losses and so much of negligence.
sir,my grand father is a retd.honrary captain...he asked me to search about this issue and wanted to know that how much money as areer he will get??also he said that some form has to sent to avail this facilty..can u pleases send me link of that form which need to be filled to avail this areer.....
ReplyDeleteDear Mannu,
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately your grandfather, being an Hon Captain, doesn't come under the purview of the Supreme Court verdict on the rank pay case. It is only for those who were holding rank of Capt to Brig on 1.1.86.
He may be eligible for enhanced pension under some other scheme, for which it would be better to approach the concerned Records office/centre.
Col LK Anand Retd
ReplyDeleteI got commissioned as Capt(SSC) wef Jan 2000 in AMC and got released from service in feb 2005.
Am I eligible for the arears of the a/m pay?
Please some one guide me and mail me to my e mail id :
Thanking you
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteone of my relatives joined as short service commissioned officer in 1983 and got released as substantive captain in December 1990
i would like to know whether he will get the benefits of Rank pay arrear or not,according to the verdict given by the supreme court of India.If yes how much approximate amount he will get.Has pcda(o)started the payment of Rank pay arrear to the concerned officers.
Thanking you
Dear Officers,
ReplyDelete12 Weeks time given by Honourable Supreme Court in its judgement on 04 Sep 2012 for fixation and payment of Rank Pay to AF Officers is ending today ie., 27 Nov 2012. But nothing is heard from the UOI/MOD so far about the payment of rank pay.
The Government has issued orders vide MoD letter No. 34(6) 2012-D(Pay/Services) dated 27 Dec 2012 for implementation of the Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement dated 04/09/2012 regarding Rank pay & related matters-IA 09/10 in TP(C) 56/2007. This office will make payment of arrears to the serving Army officers, affected with the above judgement, with the salary for Jan 2013. In case of affected officers retired from service, payment of arrears will be made from first week of Feb 2013onwards, after the requisite details of bankers, PAN,PPO and address etc. after due verification. In cases where there is a change in pay on the date of retirement, due to the pay revision as per the judgement, the revised pay details will be intimated, within one month of payment of arrears, to PCDA(P) Allahabad for issue of revised PPO.
ReplyDeletedear sir
ReplyDeletekindly inform me whether nursing officers of military nursing services are authorised for child care leave as per GOI. MOD lt no B/33922/AG/PS2(b) /(AG) dated 4th march 14. Letter No is not very clear after 2(b). Kindly help us because our principal matrons are recultant to show this letter stating that she may have to give leave to nursing officers. Can you help us to get rid of these matrons from administration because they are not well qualified in doing human and man management. They do not possess any formal education to do man managment beside doing nursing in hospitals. They are very negative in each aspect. Even after decaded these ladies could not make us to do 8 hrs duties. sir it is humble request from all nursing officers to guide us and help us from humilation. Long hours makes our lives miserable and marital disharmonay. so many desserter and defaulter you will find in nursing services. thanks