
Sunday, November 30, 2014

A letter to the Prime Minister thru mygov.nic.in on Governance and immediate grant of OROP to the Defence pensioners

Dear Shri Modi ji,

I have been convinced in my mind, time and again that you possess the dynamism as no past prime minister of India ever possessed. Your thought process on various improvements required on the well being of India and your oratory seems to be unparalleled. Your commitments in implementing the various promises made in your speeches before elections and even after formation of the Government seem to be beyond doubt. But pitiably your selected ministers and the bureaucrats do not seem to be properly understanding your ideas and concepts and are indifferent in their approach to them. They do not seem to be heading anywhere towards the aims and directions set by you for implementing your various dreams for this great country India, whose destiny is now within your Government's hands.

You may have given free hand to the bureaucrats and the ministers to ensure proper functioning of their respective ministerial machinery, but old habits developed/acquired during Congress Party's misrule would die hard. I can tell you, that from what has been seen so far, after formation of the Government, situation does not seem to be well and the thinking process and functioning of these important pillars of your Government is not proceeding well and not on the right path at all. The approach is not dedicated towards the aims and targets set by you, but are divergent and may not achieve your dreams in the true spirit as you expect from them. There is rampant lethargy in various 'abhiyans' started by you and most functionaries only try to be-fool the public or yourself by misplaced and misguiding media publicity. Facts actually on ground are totally different and unrealistic.

Let us just take the example of One Rank One Pension (OROP) you had promised for the Defence forces, during your address at the very first rally at Rewari, after your nomination as the BJP's candidate for the post of Prime Minister, which no Ex-Servicemen can ever forget. It can be undoubtedly presumed that the Ex-Servicemen had, very high hopes on you and played effective role in ensuring that BJP gets a comfortable majority to form a powerful Government at the centre and to enable, you to be installed as the Indian Prime Minister. But unfortunately even after nearly six months of formation of BJP Government OROP has remained a dream only, for the Ex-Servicemen, in spite of announcements in the President's address to the Joint session of Parliament and during the Budget speech of the Finance Minister. Pitiably, no headway seems to be in sight so far, on the topic of OROP. The Ex-Servicemen as well as the serving soldiers are totally disheartened and sincerely believe that most elements in the bureaucracy, have been actively working against the interests of the armed forces as has been the practice over the years, and seem to be misguiding the worthy Raksha Mantris on the accepted definition of OROP. As a result of which your past and present Raksha Mantris do not still seem to give any impression or indication that they are serious about your promise on implementation of the OROP in the immediate or even near future and are beating about the bush, even to the press, on the aspect/definition of the term OROP.

Sir, since you are very serious about monitoring of national projects and promises, I personally feel, that, your personal intervention now, in the matter will enable you to adjudge the seriousness and wisdom of the connected ministerial staff, bureaucratic functionaries and financial luminaries in the matter of OROP. Ex-Servicemen sincerely believe, that your personality and dynamism in the matter will not allow your subordinate ministers, the bureaucracy or the finance department, to hoodwink you any more, in delaying the issuance of the Government notification immediately.

Sir, I am writing to you in my personal capacity and with great hope that you would not disappoint the Ex-Servicemen anymore and give the OROP, according to the accepted definition, immediately and definitely before the New Year 2015.

With kindest regards and wishing you a long long life to see India prospering in all respects and in all fields.

Yours Sincerely,

Col LK Anand Retd

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