
Friday, December 17, 2010

Khushwant Singh rates PM as best-ever

Dear Brig Kamboj,
I am appending below an article published on Rediffmail on 17 August 2010 and some commeents including mine for your information and doing the needful as you may deem fit.

Col LK Anand
25th NDA Course
Khushwant Singh rates PM as best-ever
August 17, 2010 17:57 IST

Tags: Khushwant Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru, Manmohan Singh, South Delhi, India
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [ Images ] lost the Lok Sabha election from South Delhi [ Images ] in 1999 but he immediately returned Rs 2 lakh he had taken from writer Khushwant Singh for hiring taxis saying he had not used it.

This act of the prime minister finds a mention in a new book, Absolute Khushwant: The Low-Down on Life, Death and Most things In-between, written by the 95-year-old author Khushwant Singh. In the book, written along with columnist Humra Quraishi, the eminent author says Manmohan Singh is the best prime minister India [ Images ] has had, even rating him higher than Jawaharlal Nehru [ Images ], the first prime minister. "I really got to know him at the election he lost from South Delhi. This was in 1999. I was surprised and impressed because the son-in-law (of the PM), whom my family knew, came to borrow some money -- just Rs 2 lakhs -- to hire taxis that were needed for campaigning. They didn't have even that much to spare. I gave the money in cash," recounts Khushwant Singh.
But days after the election, Manmohan Singh called him and asked for an appointment, and came to see him with a packet. "'I haven't used the money,' he said and handed me the packet with all the cash I had given his son-in-law. That kind of thing no politician would do!" he said. Khushwant Singh said, "When people talk of integrity, I say the best example is the man who occupies the country's highest office."
Giving reasons for rating the prime minister higher than Nehru, Khushwant Singh says Nehru had vision and charisma but he had his faults. "He (Nehru) was instinctively anti-American and blindly pro-Soviet and socialist. He could also be impatient with people and had favourites.
'Manmohan has a free and extremely good mind. He can't be accused of nepotism. Nehru could. Indira could. No one would say that of Manmohan Singh,' he writes in the book published by Penguin Books. The author, known for his popular column Malice Towards One And All, says the economist-turned-politician had "the courage to disagree with Nehru's socialist vision and turn away from Mrs Gandhi's legacy."
"He (Manmohan Singh) pursued a pro-America policy. He opened India to the world, championed the private sector and set us on a path of economic progress without compromising India's interests."He has completely turned around our sick economy," Khushwant lauded, adding that the former professor has "remained grounded" even after assuming the top post in the country
Manmohan Singh the worst of all

by LALIT ANAND (View MyPage) on Aug 17, 2010 07:02 PM

It is a pity that a person like Man Mohan Singh who came with the people having a lot of expectations off him, has proved to be a failure through and through. I feel that Khushwant Singh has lost his sense of judgement and is giving views about the PM as he was ten years back as a FM. However, as a PM, he has been totally inactive, inefficient, indifferent, non committal, meak, indecisive and under the total command of the Madam, incapable of taking a strong and tough stand against all matters which are leading to degradation of the Nation.
He has been totally inconsiderate to the repeated pleas of the defence veterans who had never in the past made so much hue and cry for seeking justice from the Government as has been done with the present regime of Man Mohan Singh & Sonia Gandhi. Their peaceful fight against the injustice, have so far fallen on deaf ears. Justice has not only been denied to them all through but more and more injustice is being heaped upon them instead of meeting their just demands.
May Khuswant Singh the praiser of Man Mohan Singh extend some wisdom to his favourite PM to do something for the forces, who it may be assured would never let the country down as is being done by all other services by doing precious little except amassing illegal wealth by all possible means.
Re: Man Mohan Singh the worst of all
by iamadvani (View MyPage) on Aug 17, 2010 07:06 PM
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT that why only paid slave of rss/bjp bark on this forum against the good work done by any congressman BECAUSE:
1.RSS has been boot lickers to english people before independence.
2.rss/bjp all leaders are swell with ill gotten money through the control of various states ruled by them and pay very hefty payment to all who barks against the congressman or good work done by anybody for INDIA.
3.bjp/rss want to sell India to taliban/alqueda whosoever pays them highest.The reference can be made by remebering praise of JINNAH by all and sundry of this party.
4.The day in and day out cursing of Indian progress is another example of the frustration for bjp/rss.
5.Bjp/rss has set a target to make 20millions per hours and they are succssfully implementing the road map and that is how corruption and price rise have taken place in india.
Re: Re: Man Mohan Singh the worst of all
by LALIT ANAND (View MyPage) on Aug 17, 2010 08:29 PM

The Congress has ruined India in last fifty odd years they ruled. Now it seems to be bent upon destroying the basic fibre. It is a reality and not "only paid slave of rss/bjp barking on this forum". Do you understand Mr iamadvani or whatever you really are.

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